The Clown's Confession (Part 1)

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Another morning in the Digital Circus, everyone was in the main room after breakfast, doing their own thing before they started their theme song. Zooble was in their usual corner, looking themself in the mirror as they tried on different body parts. Just as they swapped out their crab claw for a mantis sickle, the mismatch noticed Gangle coming up from behind them, a semi-shy expression on their face despite wearing their comedy mask.

Gangle: Um... Zooble?

Zooble: Yeah?

Gangle: Sorry, if I'm interrupting something, but... I kinda... need your input on something. Can we.. go somewhere to talk really fast?

Zooble: *slightly annoyed* Oh, okay... I suppose...

Gangle led Zooble over to one of the many large blocks that littered the floor, hiding behind it with Zooble as they faced one another.

Zooble: So, what's up, Gan?

Gangle: So... Um... Let's say there's... this... person in the Circus, right? Who....

Zooble: *raises eyebrow* Yeah?

Gangle: Who I... MIGHT have feelings for.... And I wanna ask them to... do stuff with me, but... I'm scared of what they'll say...

Zooble: It's Pomni, isn't it?

The ribbon girl's eyes widened vastly at this, becoming alarmed at Zooble's question.


Zooble: Nope... It was you. I was just testing you.

Sensing she had been tricked, Gangle proceeded to pout while crossing her arms. If Zooble had a mouth, she was sure they'd be smirking right now.

Gangle: It's just that... I'm nervous. What if she says no? What if she doesn't like girls? What if we end up like Kinger and Queenie and one of us Abstracts an-

Her comedy mask began to crack as she proceeded to ramble about negatives, only to be grounded and snapped back by Zooble placing a hand on her shoulder.

Zooble: Look, Gangle... It's better that you tell her then hold it in. If you don't tell Pomni how you feel, it'll eat away your sanity until you inevitably Abstract.

We then smash cut to the stage, where Pomni is seen talking to Ragatha, the little jester looking a little nervous... well, a bit less than usual.

Pomni: So, I should just tell her?

Ragatha: Well, yeah. I think it'd be nice for you and Gangle to have each other as an emotional wieght if me or Zooble aren't around. Plus, it'd be better than just wondering what if's forever, right?

Pomni: Yeah... Yeah, you're right. Okay... I'll do it. *unknowingly at the same time as Gangle* I'll ask after today's adventure.

Ragatha: *unknowingly at the same time as Zooble* Great.

The day was long and mentally exhausting, with the adventure having to do with the Gloinks once again. After rescuing Zooble's pieces once more and fending off the Gloink Queen, the adventure was finally over for the day. Now that everyone was free, it was nearly dinner as Gangle spotted Pomni ahead. Remembering her talk with Zooble, Gangle took a breath and tried approaching Pomni, until....

Jax: Oops.

Gangle was sent tumbling, yelping as she hit the floor and her comedy mask shattering on impact. Getting up, Gangle looked at the shattered mask under her, gasping as she teared up.

Gangle: No... N-No!... Not... Not today, not now!

Jax: Sorry, *walks off* muscle spasm.

Gangle: But... But you don't have muscles!

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