Jester On The Web

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Another night at the Amazing Digital Circus with the Moon overhead the Tent, probably hoping Caine comes out. All the players are in their beds, "sleeping" the night away. However, Pomni wasn't asleep as she was on one of her search excursions again. She had gotten some info on the game from the windows she spawned; one being the fact that C&A was formed by a wealthy philanthropist and was named after him and his partner, who both created the original idea of the company's mascot.

However, this night, she wasn't having much luck.

Pomni: No, I've seen this already. *swipes to new window* Seen this. *swipes to new window* Seen this! UGH!

Pomni sweeped all the windows surrounding her away into data particles, closing the hole in her wall in the process as she collapses onto her couch in frustration.

Pomni: There's NOTHING new! Anything that might give me information worthwhile is probably either deleted or in some shady part of the internet! This SUCKS!

The jester let out an exhausted groan as she turned onto her back, noticing a card having been summoned to her hand.

Pomni: If you can supposedly give me anything, why don't you give me a way out of here?

She flicks the card at the wall, which sticks right onto it and expands. However, her eyes widened as instead of forming into an object, the card had turned into the ever familiar EXIT door that haunted her.

Pomni: What the...?

With hesitation, she got off the couch and carefully stepped towards the odd looking door. The light that seeped out from below it didn't resemble any part of the Grounds or even the Void now that she saw it. The door itself even felt like it was not of the Circus or from Caine, yet it felt... familiar. Probably because it came from her own power. Looking around in case someone was watching somehow, Pomni steeled her nerves and opened the door, revealing the same white vortex as seen on her cards.

Pomni: W.... What the hell?!

Random Voice: IP ADDRESS 415-1037-483 FORMATTED.

Pomni: Wait, wha-

Suddenly, Pomni's arm was drawn to the door, causing it to stretch and distort. She tried to pull back as she yelled in fear before suddenly, she gets pulled right into the door, with it shutting and disappearing right as soon as it closed. A few seconds later, the door opens to reveal Kinger on the other side.

Kinger: Hello?... Any insect collections here?....

No one was in the room.

Kinger: ....Huh. Looks like they went to a game show. *gasps* I hope it's not in a stomach! *slams door*


Suddenly, the shot cuts to a POV of wires, blinking lights, and digital noises zooming past as Pomni's screaming is heard. As this went on, a light appeared at the end of the hall that the camera is going through until it's enveloped completely in light.

In an entirely new landscape with a bright blue sky, a beam of screaming light descends before crashing into a floor. The beacon faded to reveal a shaking Pomni, her pupils now scribbles and she had some new shading on her. Shaking her head, Pomni realized she wasn't in the Circus. Instead, she found herself in a large bustling metropolis city.

Pomni: Wha... Where am I?

She walked around as she looked around, buildings bearing familiar logos towered above her as small kiosks with windows were on the street she was on. Speaking of which, she found that she wasn't alone on the street as she spotted multiple humanoid figures walking by her, their bodies seemingly made of binary code with glowing eyes on their faces.

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