The Clown's Confession (Part 2)

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The next morning, Pomni awoke to the feeling of something wrapped around her body. Looking up, she noticed Gangle, still sleeping with her ribbons wrapped around her body. It was then that Pomni noticed that her face was buried in Gangle's chest, causing her to blush heavily as she let go of the girl. The sudden movement caused Gangle to then awaken, leaving her just as confused as Pomni, but she smiled upon seeing the jester.

Gangle: Good morning!

Pomni: Mmm... morning.

She blushed heavily, but also realized she wasn't ready to get out of bed and actually deal with the day. Gangle was just so warm to leave.

Pomni: We should...probably get ready soon, huh?

Gangle knew they had to, but she didn't want to leave the bed either. If Caine didn't have a habit of breaking down their doors when someone decided to stay in bed for too long, she would be cuddling Pomni all day.

Gangle: I know, but... Five more minutes? Please?

Gangle had asked with a cute tone while expanding her eyes as she asked Pomni, causing her to smile softly and exhale before settling back into bed.

Pomni: Sounds good to me.

The two remained under the weighted blanket, forgetting about the insane digital world around them as they held each other in their arms. It was as if, besides them, nothing mattered. They did eventually get out of bed, knowing that someone would either be checking on them or calling them out for taking so long. Pomni hurried to the screen, changing into her usual jumpsuit and pulling on her gloves. Gangle then went to the screen herself as she began to get out of her long shirt. She saw Pomni seemed to be looking for something, where Gangle then spotted something on the floor and offered it to her.

Gangle: Is this what you're looking for?

Pomni turned around, seeing that Gangle was holding her hat. Not wanting to start tension, Pomni tried to not make direct eye contact as she reached for her hat.

Pomni: Thank you. *puts hat on* So... Gangle?

Gangle: Yes?

Pomni: It's kind of silly to ask at this point, but... Are we, y'know, technically.... dating?

Gangle: I, uh... I mean... Would you like to date me?

Pomni: Yes, YES I DO- *catches her tone* I mean... yeah, I guess I do.

Gangle: Then... *smiles* Then yes. You make me really happy, Pomni.

Pomni: You make me really happy too, Gangle. But maybe we should keep this secret? We don't want Jax messing with us.

Gangle: Probably, I'm not sure how Caine would react. Kinger was in a relationship before Queenie, um, you know...

Pomni: Abstracted?

Gangle: Yeah. I came long after that, but Ragatha told me after Queenie abstracted, Kinger was utterly miserable. He stayed in his room for a long time, and even when he came out, he wouldn't participate in anything and just laid in a pile of blankets on the floor...

Remembering that one of them abstracting was one of the reasons she was hesitant to ask Pomni out, her mask began to crack from the anxiety. Seeing this, Pomni approached her and lightly grasped her ribbon.

Pomni: It's okay... We're both okay. We'll just... be all lovey dovey in our rooms, alright?

Gangle: Can... Can I at least tell Zooble?

Pomni: Of course, BUT only if I'm allowed to tell Ragatha.

Gangle: That sounds fair.

Once they were in agreement, Pomni poked her head out of the doorway to make sure no one was around. The coast was clear. The two walked out of the door and shut it quietly to avoid anyone noticing they were walking out of the same room. They walked out onto the balcony above the main room and looked down to see the others all talking and waiting. With Gangle following, the jester made her way downstairs to greet everyone. Ragatha noticed them, smiling as she walked over to meet with Pomni.

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