Bubble Quits And Doesn't Come Back

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In his own little "sanctum", Caine is seen looking through his own little window, seemingly trying to find something. However, Bubble chose THAT moment to pop out of nowhere and annoyed Caine.

Bubble: Hey, Caine! Wanna go watch Jax prank the other performers?

Caine: Not now, Bubble, I'm busy.

Bubble: Aw, come on~! We barely do anything together!

Caine: We do EVERYTHING together, my transparent compadre, you're my assistant.

Bubble: Well, I wanna do MORE together.

Caine: Bubble, please! I'm trying to figure out what's been causing the constant breaches in the firewall.

Bubble: Aw, come on. Pwease~?

Bubble looks at him with cutesy eyes as he begs, causing Caine to sigh in annoyance and pop him. With Bubble gone, he turns back to his window, only to find Bubble floating right there.

Bubble: Come on, let's go!

Caine: So let's get this straight, Bubble. You DON'T want me to find the incursion. You know, the same incursion that's been breaching the Digital Circus' firewall and could potentially put us and my superstars in grave danger!

Bubble: Well, I, for one, think I should get in on your work schedule. I do just as much work as you.

Caine: Well, as ringmaster, I recognize the importance of this undertaking. But whether or not you do remains to be seen. Now, if you don't mind, I would like to get back to it.

Bubble: Bu- *Caine pops him*

Caine: *sighs* Bubbles– sometimes I wonder if they understand a word you're saying.

Suddenly, Bubble reappears again, lunging at Caine as he enters between his jaws.... And swallows Caine's eyes. Caine screams as he flies about and waves his arms frantically, accidentally closing the window he was looking at before he pries Bubble out and squeezes him, making the bubble spit up his eyes.

Caine: Bubble, I hate it when you do that! Now get! *throws him away* And leave your master to his important affairs.

Bubble: Why do you get to boss everyone around? I wanna boss everyone around!

Caine: Bubble, I'm not having this conversation with you. I'm the ringmaster of this Circus and what I say goes.

Bubble: Well, you should at least let me voice my take on things! They're my superstars too!

Caine: No, they're not! You're just a sidekick!

Bubble gasps loudly as his mouth falls open, while Caine summons a phone which he dials into.

Caine: Yes, hello, Sidekick Rental? The sidekick you sent me is defective.

Bubble: No I'm not, Caine!

Caine: Bubble, I am on the phone! *hangs up* And it is true! You constantly annoy me, disturb me, and every other bad thing you've done that I don't have time to list! I would work better without you!

Bubble: *gasps* You take that back!

Caine: You are the WORST sidekick ever!

The sud lets out a large, offended yell as he wavered, his voice almost on the brink of crying.

Bubble: You... You... How can you expect me to want to work for you if you talk to me like that?

Caine: Oh, relax. Once I pop you, I'll just rewrite your memory so that you don't remember this.

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