Avenging The Abstract

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Taking advantage of her condition on skipping out on occasional adventures, Pomni sat idly in one of the break rooms that the Tent apparently had for some reason. As she drank out of her mug, the little jester reflected on what was supposed to happen today. Supposedly, Caine was going to send them all on a quest through a labyrinth to save an innocent damsel... However, this "damsel" turned out to be Bubble in a wig.

Don't get her wrong, he rocked that wig, but it really wasn't worth the deadly traps. She took another sip from her mug as she looked down at her hand, small white pixels brimming from her red palm as she flicked it, summoning the same card from before.

Pomni: What... is this? It feels... natural.

Hearing an annoyed groan and inconsistent footsteps approach, Pomni grew nervous and slipped the card into nothingness as she turned, her pinwheel eyes spotting the familiar abstract mass of parts of Zooble. Ever since the incident with the corridor, Pomni had been trying to get on better terms with everyone. Ragatha was one she considered a person she can really trust, Kinger and her were budding a rather nice friendship, Gangle was definitely a highlight in her mission with the ribbon girl being rather sweet and empathetic despite her usual joyful mask being shattered, and Jax...

Well, he's Jax.

So far, she and Zooble had never really interacted, other than Zooble announcing their understanding of Pomni's panic attack and reason for aggression. Maybe this could be her ticket to having Zooble see her as a friend? She would later find out as they then sat in the chair across from Pomni and sighed heavily.

Pomni: Hey.... "Zoobs". What's going on?

Zooble: *narrows eyes* What did you just call me?

Pomni: Sorry, sorry, just... *nervous smile* thought I'd try it out. *chuckles*

Zooble: Well, don't.

The response from Zooble was short, cold, and straight to the point. Pomni gulped as she poured more liquid from the kettle into her mug.

Pomni: I'm sorry. But... really, what's wrong? Did something happen to make you this upset? You're usually with Gangle or by yourself when not on those adventures.

The odd shaped sighed and served herself a cup of whatever was from the kettle, Pomni could tell this was going to be a long one.

Zooble: Well, earlie- *spits*

The spit came from Zooble somehow, shocked by the drink they had tried giving themself and spitting it out immediately from the aste.

Zooble: What the &$%# is this stuff?

Pomni: Uh... I-It's hot cocoa. It makes me feel... nice when I drink it.

Zooble: Wow, I'm starting to think Jax was right calling you "kid".

Pomni: Why does he keep calling me that, I'm 25!

Zooble: He does that to everyone, even me. Do you have... anything else besides this? I'm not really a fan of chocolate.

Pomni then stood up, heading over to the mini fridge in the corner and opening it.

Pomni: Uh... Looks like we have soda, OJ, *confused* purple stuff?... Oh, and Sunny D.

Zooble: I'll take a Sunny D.

Pomni walks back to the table, handing Zooble the bottle as she sits back in her chair.

Zooble: Thanks.

Pomni: What even is that purple stuff? It doesn't even have a label.

Zooble: I dunno, it's just... always been there. No one's ever dared to try it.

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