An Upgrade In The Circus

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Within the sleeping quarters, Pomni arrived at Ares' door, looking at the icon as she gave it a knock.

Pomni: Ares?

Ares: *from inside* It's open!

With verbal permission granted, Pomni opened the door, spotting Ares on the couch of his room, fiddling with some hologram windows like she had. Within the room besides the standard bed, wardrobe, dresser, changing screen, and TV (which he probably made himself), the room seemed to also have some exercise gear including a few dumbbells with a bench and a training dummy. With them was also a cannon, trapeze rings, and she looked up to see a tightrope above, nearly touching the ceiling.

Pomni: Nice room.

Ares: Thanks. I had to take out the television in here and replace it, but not too bad... Although, I gotta admit, those comedy specials with that bubble are guilty pleasure. What's his name again?

Pomni: Uh.... Bubble?

Ares: Huh. Now that's just uncreative.

Pomni: So... You've been in here for the past 2 days when not on the adventures?

Ares: Pretty much. Oh, by the way... Did you manage to get that thing I asked you to get from Caine?

Pomni: Huh? Oh, right!

The jester dug into her pocket, pulling out one of the keys used for each of the character's bedrooms.

Pomni: He's been meaning to give you your key and not have it be stolen by Jax, but that rabbit has some pretty crafty tricks.

Ares: Thanks, Pomni. Now, if I can just...

He taps the key, which covers it in a green digital overlay before tapping a button on a small menu. Pixels swarm on the table in front of Ares, which form into a duplicate of the key, leaving Pomni amazed.

Pomni: W-W-What?!

Ares: Might teach you that one later. Now, if my theory is right....

He then takes the duplicate key and crushes it, the pixels culminate and float into Ares' chest before a large explosion like energy wave washes over the room. Pomni covered her eyes with her arm as the blast wne to. As the light finally died down, she spotted Ares looking over some new advanced-ooking windows and grinning widely.

Ares: Yes.... YEEEESS!!! *laughs loudly* It worked!

Pomni: W-What worked?! What did you do?!

Ares: That key had some of Caine's access data in it. By breaking the duplicate and amalgamating the stray pixels into my programming, I just gained access to the Circus' primary source code!

Pomni: So.... That means...?

Ares: I can pretty much do anything in the Circus! I mean, I'm nowhere as poweul as Caine. After all, he's the master program, but still I can do some pretty cool shit!... *disappointed* And it took me this long to find out I can openly swear in the bedrooms. I'm a fool.

Pomni: Don't be, I didn't know that on my first day either. But still, really?! You can do anything?!

Ares: Yep. Watch...

He then snaps his fingers, summoning an ice cream cone usually found at the Carnival before giving it to Pomni and summoning a candy apple for himself.

Pomni: Oh my god.... You... You can do anything!

Ares: Except find a way to the game's base file, but we just have to keep our heads high and keep trying. Now, go off and enjoy your ice cream and remember... Diligence. Diligence!

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