Caine's Cussing Conundrum

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Within the confines of her room, Pomni sat on her couch, writing in her diary as she awaited for whatever hijinx she would surely be roped into sooner or later.

Pomni: *as she writes* "Dear diary, it's been almost 2 weeks since I've been trapped in the Circus. Things have gotten.... Better than I expected. I gained a sort of friendship with Zooble and Kinger and things have been going good, emotionally... so far. But lately, I think my weird abstracting hand gave me a way to breach the game's firewall. Maybe if I dig deep enough, I can figure out how and why I got here and maybe even how I can get ou-"

A snap interrupts her thought, Pomni looking down to see her pencil having broke.

Pomni: Damn.

Like she had done with the TV, Pomni summoned yet another card, which proceeded to glow and shrink, transforming into a new pencil.

Pomni: Better. *as she writes* "-get out. I even had fun participating in a dance contest with Gangle. We lost, but, it's great to see her as a friend... Maybe one day, more than a friend."

The jester smiled at her writing, her face flushing. However, a knock sounded at her door, causing Pomni to yelp and flinch as she hides the notebook before going over to the door and open it to reveal Jax.

Pomni: What do you want, Jax?

Jax: Wow, I came to tell you breakfast is ready and THIS is how you repay me? Kinda rude, kid. Now I don't think I'll tell the others you're coming.

With a frustrated sigh, Pomni followed Jax outside the door, shutting it behind her as she made her way to the main room of the tent.


On the main stage, we see our usual troupe ready to start their theme song as per usual.

Jax: Okay, I know I said this before, but seriously... WHY do we need to do this stupid theme song every single day?

Bubble pops up behind him, wearing a studio headset.

Bubble: It's just standard procedure. Besides, you know how the boss loves his routines and his musical numbers.

Zooble: Yeah, but... To do it EVERYDAY?

Pomni: I even have to admit, I'm... starting to get annoyed.

Bubble: Sorry, Caine's word is rule.

Before Jax could argue, Bubble simply floated off, leaving the rabbit to sigh in annoyance.

Ragatha: Jax, we've done this for years. Maybe you should just let it go and just do the theme song?

Jax: We've done it for years, doll-face. No one likes the theme song.

Gangle: I like it.

Jax: ....Like I said, no one likes the theme song.

Suddenly, the lights dimmed while the curtains closed and a drum roll played. As twin spotlights stop at one spot, the ringmaster began his usual speal.

Caine: Welcome to the Amazing Digital Circus! My name is Caine! I'm your ringmaster, and I'm here to show you the most jaw-dropping, heart stopping, mind-bending paraphernalia you've ever laid your eye-

Jax: *off screen* Yo, Caine.

Caine: .......Mind-bending paraphernalia you've ever laid your eyes upo-

Jax: Earth to Caine!

The music then stops with a record scratch as Caine looks back at his troupe, particularly at an annoyed looking Jax.

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