28. I'm Free Falling

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YES I FINALLY GOT A CHANCE TO POST A NEW CHAPTER!!!! I have been writing SO MUCH lately but I haven't gotten the chance to upload anyhting. I am so happy I finally got to upload a new chapter!! This one isn't very long but I hsould be uploading another chapter if not tomorrow than the day after that. So I hope you like this chapter I have to go continue writing and updating my other stories :* Enjoy 


She was soaking everything in and the silence was like never ending until she finally spoke. "Draco... I'm so sorry" my face twisted into a look of confusion "It must be so hard" she took my hand and I released a breath I hadn't even realized I was holding. It was a relief that she didn't see me as a monster or didn't hate me because of the decisions I made. I was so afraid of losing her but I should have known better than that, she isn't like that Anna might be ignorant and prissy but she never let anyone down, she was always by your side until the very end, even if you are working for the guy that wants you found and captured... maybe even killed. She moved my arm and pushed up my sleeve to look at the Dark Mark on my arm, she rubbed her thumb over it "Is this why you have been trying so hard to push me away lately" I nodded and stood up, unable to look her in the eye when I spoke.

"I didn't want you to get hurt. I thought if we were continuously fighting 'he' would leave you alone. But no matter how much I tried my feelings for you wouldn't allow me to shut you out or ignore that you were hurting" She didn't answer me and I felt a little worried about this, maybe me saying I had feelings for her came to her as a shock, maybe she didn't feel the same way. Then two arms snaked around my torso and Anna laid her head on my back. 

"I feel safe with you Draco, I know you would never let anyone hurt me" My heart literally skipped a beat when she said that. It was a feeling I had never felt before not with any other girl at least, but she always made me feel different, more now than when we were younger.

I don't know how long me and Draco were like that for but the silence left me to do nothing but think and honestly I didn't want to think about any of the feelings I was feeling right now, but for some reason crying seemed like the right thing to do and although I didn't do it often I gave in to my emotions and started crying. Draco turned in my arms and wrapped his arms around me tightly, he ran his fingers through my messy hair, swaying slightly, trying his best to calm me down. I sniffled a bit and then giggled. 

"What" Draco said looking down at me. My eyes met his and I smirked.

"Who knew Draco Lucius Malfoy actually had a heart" Draco rolled his gorgeous stormy eyes and kissed my forehead. 

"You always knew how to bring out my good side" I smiled and the feeling of being alone totally disappeared because like always Draco was there when I needed him the most. One thing that was truly bothering me was the fact that for the first time for as long as I could remember I had no idea what was going to happen in the future and the more I thought about it, the more ok I was with it. I knew if I had Draco by my side I could get through anything. I'm not really sure how long me and Draco stood there wrapped in each others arms but we both jumped when someone knocked on the door with great force. Me and Draco separated, me not wanting to be seen or talked to for that matter ran for the toilet while Draco opened the door. 

"Professor Snape" Draco sounded utterly confused and slightly nervous, but why would he be nervous around Snape? Maybe Snape was a Death Eater as well, I pressed my ear against the door in order to hear the conversation going on, on the other side of the door.

"Where is miss Deafly, Draco someone would like to speak to her" Snape said in his usual boring monotone voice. 

"She has been in the lavatory sobbing because those idiotic Weasley's bluffed something about her and she is upset about her parents but even if she wasn't sobbing I wouldn't let her go with you not alone at least especially knowing that they can get into the castle" Draco took a long pause "But if you do wish to keep her safe, I think it would be best if she wasn't alone... At all"

I Cant Believe I Fell in Love with You!! Or Can I? (A Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now