4. My Trip to St.Mungos

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"Wait.. What are you guys talking about" I said with a confused look on my face.

"well your parents were going to suprise you by"

Oh god not this again " letting you stay with us the last week before we go back to Hogwarts" Fred said ending Georges sentence.


so hows life" Hermoine said as I sat down with a cup of Hot chocolate. "I haven't been in Malfoy Manor for than a day and Ive already almost thought about killing Malfoy." She laughed "But his mother seems like a very sweet lady his dad is a little creepy" "A little" Ron added. I rolled my eyes. "oh and i have been chosen as the Slytherin prefect" George who was next to me seemed relieved. "but" I continued. "Guess who my partner is" I said with a sarcastic smile, everyone shrugged. "None other than Mr. Draco Malfoy himself" I said.

"speak of the devil Hermoine said looking towards the entrance. Draco spotted us and walked over to the table I buried my face into Georges shoulder not wanting to have a conversation, "what do you what Malfoy" George said disguisted. "I want your girlfriend" he retorted quickly. "cant have her" George said with a angry tone to his voice. I looked up at Malfoy and then looked away out eh window and couldn't believe what I saw, Was it really him?

I tugged on Georges pants causing him to look when he saw what I saw he understood I had to get out of there and fast. "are you coming " Malfoy said trying to sound scary.

But i couldn't take my eyes off the person then they turned around and he stared at me then the scars on my stomach and thighs started to hurt. I grabbed my stomach as excruciating pain filled my body bringing back the memories of that horrible time. (guys you will find out later on int the story who the person was) "MAlfoy you need to get her out of here now" George said sounding worried. I picked up my hand to look at it covered in red. What i was bleeding but how? They were only scars.

I saw Dracos eyes light up when he saw the blood on my hand. George helped me up and outside Draco and Blaise helping me get somewhere to hide. I was using Blaise as leverage while running towards there brooms. All of a sudden a whip was around my waist causing me to stop in my tracks and grab my stomach in pain. I was instantaneously pulled back until I was face to face with my worst nightmare. I turned around to see Draco and Blaise just starring.

"Bliase you can apparate right?" Draco yelled. Blaise nodded. "Go get my parents" Blaise nodded once again disappearing. I turned to look at the person who was standing before me. "Annabella" the voice said sending shivers down my spine. "Dont call me that...James" I said with pure disqust and fear in my voice. "You lost the right to call me by my full name a long time ago" I said stepping back slightly. "come on I'm your brother" he said coming closer placing his hand on my arm. I felt the anger build up inside me.

"Don't touch me... I've hated you since you hurt me and left to be a death eater with our father" I shouted pulling my arm out of his grasp and pushing him away from me.

He whipped his whip and then hit me with it knocking me to the ground arched over in pain. He had his wand pointed at me "I should have killed you when I had the chance. five years ago when you were 11 and harmless" he said with a devilish smile on his face. I looked at him what would it be like to die I thought to myself as he whipped me with the whip once... twice... three times. "this is talking so long" he said raising his wand once again. This was it I'm done for 'Bye George I love you' I thought to myself as tears ran down my face.

"Avada k..." "Expelliarmus" someone yelled as James' wand went flying out of his hand and he apparated away. Suddenly a woman was standing over me repeating the Vulnera Sanentur spell. I slowly saw a crowd of people around me I felt my shirt being torn. The last person I remember seeing was George I gave him a smile before allowing my head to fall sideways and rendering myself unconscious.

I woke up in a room but not any normal room it was a hospital room I was in St. Mungos. I rubbed my eyes so I could see better and looked around the room there were flowers and all different kinds of treats and get well things everywhere.I tried to sit up but it hurt to much so I laid back extremely frustrated then I noticed the sleeping people in the room with me.

I looked to my left and saw George his hand laying on the bed. Then on the couch only a few meters away form my bed were Harry and Ron with there hands across each others faces which caused me to smile. and next to Ron was Hermoine snugged into the corner of the couch avoiding getting whacked by the idiots next to her. Then there was Ginny sitting on the floor leaning her head on Fred's should who's head was leaning on the wall asleep. I noticed a few adults outside but they weren't paying attention to what was going on in the room. Then I looked to my right and saw Draco in a chair asleep I was a little shocked and happy that he cared. I looked back over to George who was sleeping oh so cutely, his hand laying on the bed only a few inches away from mine he probably held it while I was a sleep So I slipped my hand under his closing tightly he jumped being awoken. As he looked at me and went to speak I put my fingers over my lips signaling for him to be quiet. Then I scooted over in the bed giving him room and patted it motioning for him to sit down. He got up quietly and did so.

Then I got closer to him looking up into his brown eyes and whispered "Hi" His face lit up and his hand cupped my cheek causing me to blush furiously. "Hi, love" he said sweetly kissing me on the forehead. I looked at him and said "kiss me" wihtout hesitation he did as he was told and his lips slwoly met mine as his hand lowered to my wais tcarefully pulling me closer and my hadn resting on his shoulder. I slowly retreated gazing mindlessly int ohis brown eyes that I loved so much. I let my head snuggle into his neck and his arms rapped around me. We stayed like that for what seemed like forever, but was only ten minutes. Fred started to move on the floor startling Ginny causing her to scream and it caused some sort of chain reaction first Fred jumped then Ron smacked Harry and Harry hit Hermoine who was ready to kill and Draco rolled his eyes at the mall and walked out of the room and Fred well Fred had a sarcastic smirk across his face at the way we looked. That's when Fred jumped up and screamed "Shes awake!!!" he said extremely over joyed. Then the annoying rambling going on between Ron Ginny Harry and Hermoine. George got up helping me sit up and moved out of Ginny and Hermoine's way. Ginny grabbed my neck swinging me back and forth "help" I mouthed to George. " ok Gin don't give her whip lash I kinda need my girlfriend" he said with a smirk. As soon as Ginny let go Hermoine nearly attacked me "ouch!!" I screamed Hermoine accidentally hitting my stomach.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ok guys this chater and the next few chapters are important so read them carefully cnat wait to see your reactions please leave me comments so i know im at least a decent writer thanks guys love you all

I Cant Believe I Fell in Love with You!! Or Can I? (A Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now