16. Why doesn't he trust me

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"Anna" Blaise said snapping me back into reality. "hmm" I said looking at him realizing he was in the pool "are you coming in or what" he said chuckling slightly. I gave him a questionable smirk and shrugged my shoulders "I don't know" I gave him a unsure look. "well you better make up your mind soon" BLaise said pointing behind me.

I turned slightly to see Draco running at me full speed "oh my god Draco don't" the famous 'Malfoy smirk' was plastered on his face. He was getting closer to me he was only inches away and he picked me up bridal style literally sweeping me off my feet and he jumped into the pool.

A sudden shiver went through my body as we hit the water, it was refreshing but a little colder than I expected. I quickly swam to the surface only to be attacked by Zabini and pulled under water again, Zabini had his hands on my waist gripping tightly I tried to push him off me, and he wouldn't let go so I kicked his thigh.

He let go off me and tried to grab me but I swam away from him, to fast. I was a fast swimmer but that's what I get for spending summers with my uncle. According to my mother my dad had an adopted brother who was a half blood that lived in the muggle world. My uncle Thomas who I probably won't ever see again, my father and mother were pure bloods. That would explain why Draco doesn't treat me like a complete waste of time. Any ways I swam all the way to the other side of the pool, probably from an adrenaline rush. I held on to the wall for support watching

Blaise carefully and Draco was just staring at me. I was so my back faced the wall of the pool and I carefully lifted myself up so I was sitting on the edge allowing my legs to dangle in the water. I watched Blaise Draco seemed to loose interest in me, but Blaise was focused on me. His gaze met mine and he gave a smile and looked away and started talking to Draco. I got bored so I laid back letting my thoughts come to me.

I was thinking about being home and how my mom would never meet George not properly anyways, not that I think she would care.

Then it dawned on me my guitar of all things I could have grabbed when I was at the house with George I forgot my prized procession my guitar. I was so frustrated how could I forget it I practically live for that thing when I'm not doing anything else I play my guitar. I sighed unhappy with myself. I let my mind wander until I felt my eyes get heavy and my thoughts faded into nothing as i fell asleep halfway in a pool.

Blaise's P.O.V. 

She just stood their in front of the pool not acknowledging the fact that I was already in the pool. She appeared to be deep in thought though, she looked really pretty though her green eyes sparkled in the sun and her hair slightly moved with the wind. Just the only thing that bothered me was the love bites on her neck and collar bone. I don't understand why she  would settle for Weasley, she could do so much better if only she knew what he said to me the last day of school.

~~~~~Blaises Flashback~~~~~~

Draco had just finished  bitching at me because I didn't tell Anna about the crush I had on her. It was also a dare and I had to do it Draco seemed pretty confident about it but I wasn't so sure, she was dating that annoying red head Weasley. But I had to do the dare whether I wanted to or not, I was walking around the school in hopes to find her. I turned the corner to see her standing in front of the entrance to the Great Hall she had a wide smile on her face and her hair was pin straight. Draco walked by her and if looks could kill they would both be dead, they gave death glares that made the first years cry. They were not on good terms they had a fight last night that had me up till 3 in the morning, their are times when I'm happy Pansy threatened Anna so Snape weirdly placed her in the same room as me and Draco. But there were also times when I hated it, and their fighting was one of them. Draco gave me a sarcastic grin when he saw me knowing what I was about to do. I was just about to call her when Weasley came storming by pulling me so I would follow him. I was annoyed but mostly curious, Gryffindors stayed as far away from me and Draco as possible. We were far away from the Great Hall and he gave me an attempted death glare he was trying to mimic Anna's because sometimes her death glares are terrifying. I looked at him unfazed by his actions, "don't even think about trying to tell Anna you like her" he said getting in my face. "and if I do" I spat back. "I will  tell her you slept with Parkinson" I gave him an annoyed look this was a lie "she knows that was Pansy telling a lie" just to piss her off. "I'll punch you so hard in the face that you will be in the hospital wing for weeks and if that doesnt work I'll curse you not kill you but seriously hurt you" he said attempting a death glare once again. "what if I tell Anna about this little conversation" I retorted quickly. "tell me about what" Anna came out of no where she picked up my arm and put it over her shoulder. My heart started racing and George looked pissed. "chill George I sleep in the same room as him and this bothers you" she said sticking her tongue out at him.

(still in Blaise's P.O.V.)

 Ugh she was so close yet so far away, I noticed someone sneaking up behind her "are you coming in" I asked. "I don't know" she said. That's when I saw Draco coming up behind. "you better decide soon" I said pointing to Draco who was now running. "oh my god Draco don't" she screamed I don't think I have ever heard her say his first name. He picked her up and jumped in the pool with her she broke the surface and I grabbed her by her waist hoping to kiss her under water but she kissed me and swam away. She watched me and Draco for a minute before lifting herself up and sitting at the edge of the pool. After a while of staring at each other I looked at Draco and started talking to him. About ten minutes later she laid down her feet still dangling in the water. Her feet kicked back and forth almost like she was listening to something. "So when are you going to tell her" Draco said stretching his arms out. "I can't" I said solemnly. "Weasley said if I told her he would tell her I slept with Pansy and when I told him she wouldn't believe him he threatened to kill me" I said putting my hand on the back of my neck. "If you tell her Weasley said that she will break up with him" Draco said smacking my chest playfully. Me and Draco tried thinking of ways to tell her about my crush and what Weasley said. It started to get dark and Draco remembered that Anna was with us we got out of the pool and walked to the other side to see Anna passed out on the floor. Me and Draco looked at each other and just laughed, Draco bent down and said "who do you think she would kill first me or you for waking her up" I looked at him unsure. "you could just pick her up and carry her to her bed" I said Draco nodded agreeing completely. Draco picked her up she moved once but didn't wake up she leaned her head on Dracos shoulder. We walked into the mansion and Narcissa's eyes lit up looking extremely concerned "is she ok" Narcissa said. "she fell asleep by the pool" Draco confirmed the fact that she was ok. She moved slightly in his arms and Narcissa nodded so we could bring her upstairs. We brought her upstairs and Draco put her in my bed "wrong bed"  I said he completely ignored me and put her in my bed then he walked over together wardrobe and took out a shirt and put it over her bikini top and the untied the strings and threw that in a corner. 

I turned on my side and felt a hand on my waist, and I felt like something was in my face but I couldn't imagine what it was. I tried pushing it away but it didn't move, I was getting so frustrated. I laid on my back and opened my eyes barely to see Draco laying down on one side of me and Blaise talking to him on the other side of me.  "Hey your awake" Draco said with a sarcastic smirk plastered on his face. "what did you do" I said sitting up slightly knowing he did something. "nothing you got a letter though" he handed me a folded piece of parchment. 

Heyy!!!! It's Ginny so George seemed a little nervous when he came back he said there were multiple boys at Malfoy Manor when he took you there. What does he mean by multiple boys and he's being so annoying he keeps saying that if one of them tries anything with you hes gonna kill them. Ron and Fred seem to know a lot no one is really telling me anything. Harry only tells me bits and pieces of things I think George has some trust issues but I don't understand how he can't trust you. I mean yeah you're a Slytherin but your not untrustworthy maybe a smart ass and full of attitude. But anyways back to the reason I wanted to send you this letter. Who is this other boy or boys there? And hows you're used to be "crush" Malfoy. Is his blondness still irresistible. You can tell me if you have a crush on him still even though your dating my brother.

I mean sometimes I wonder how someone as smart as you could have fallen for such an annoying git. But then I remember being at your house and your mom showing me all those picks of you and Malfoy. Oops sorry don't kill me I didn't mean to mention your mom. Also I might have mentioned you used to having a crush on Malfoy. Well I really hope you don't kill me when I see you next. Bye!! You're favorite Weasley, Ginny.

I Cant Believe I Fell in Love with You!! Or Can I? (A Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now