24. The Longest Train Ride of My Life Part 1

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok guys I know it has been a while since I last posted so I am glad to give you this chapter and I promise you I have mor ecoming I am going to upload as much as I can as often as I can. I know I haven't pulled through on all my promises but this time I promise I will upload atleast every other day :D So I hope you guys like this chapter I just finished writing it and I have already started on the next chapter :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Guess who" the overjoyed voice whispered in my ear. I couldn’t help the smile that tugged at my lips when I said George’s name. “Oh you two are so cute but let’s get going don’t want to miss the train” Mrs. Weasley said saying goodbye to us all. She pulled me into a tight hug and slipped something into my hand. “Open it when no one’s around” she whispered in my ear as I pulled away from her. I gave her a confused look but she just continued smiling at me “Love aren’t you coming” I looked over at George who was giving the train guy our bags. “Yeah Georgie I’m coming now” I said walking towards him. 

George's P.O.V 

I called for Anna wondering why she was no longer behind me. “Yeah Georgie I’m coming now” she said smiling and her dimples looked adorable on her beautiful face. “Why are you looking at me like that” she said as her cheeks turned a light shade of pink. “Nothing come on” I said grabbing her hand as we pushed passed students standing in the walk way. We found everyone was in one of the compartments but it was extremely full so I pulled Anna along. She hesitated when the train started moving and we saw Malfoy and Zabini standing outside of the usual compartment they stayed in.

I tightened my grip on her hand and glanced back at her smiling and she smiled at me. I walked passed Malfoy and Zabini with no problem but when I heard “Deafly” and Anna’s hand fell from my grip I turned to make sure she was ok. Malfoy was in her face and Parkinson was near him, Zabini was smirking pulling Parkinson back and Crabbe and Goyle were holding me back when Malfoy put his hands on either side of her head making her flinch. Her eyes were glazed over while she looked into Malfoy’s eyes slightly scared but she stood her ground.

"Leave us I want to talk to her you too Weasley” Malfoy spat out and Anna looked at me and mouthed the words “Go, I’ll find you soon” I hesitated but I knew she could stand up against Malfoy. It wasn’t what I wanted to do but I turned on my heel and continued walking to look for an empty compartment and once I found one I looked back to see Malfoy glaring at me waiting for me to go in.

Malfoy had his hands on the wall on either side of my head there was a good foot or two between us. That didn’t last long when George went into the empty compartment he must have found. Malfoy turned his head so his eyes were locked with mine. “Have you told him anything yet about your visions that you have been having about us?” My eyes went wide and I couldn’t imagine how he knew, I only talked to Blaise about the visions and he promised he wouldn’t tell Malfoy. “Malfoy I have no idea what you are talking about” I said trying to push him off of me.

There was no body in the walk way of the train and Blaise charmed the compartment so it was sound proof and you could see through it. Kind of like a one way mirror type thing because Parkinson looked like she was looking at herself in a mirror.

“You have to be more careful where you leave that diary of yours I didn’t plan on reading it but it was open on your bed one morning, I was going to wake you up and when I saw my name on one of the pages numerous times I just couldn’t help myself I had to start reading it and it just got more and more interesting as I read it” I felt angry that he would do something like that hurt me more than anything “Dear diary I have been avoiding contact with anyone especially Malfoy because I dropped the bottle of the potion my mother gave me and my premonitions are out of control” Malfoy mocked I bit the inside of my cheek and it felt like I swallowed a bludger in a game of quidditch.

My eyes stung like someone poured vinegar in them “I picked every fight I could with him so he would stay away from me" A single tear fell down my cheek and Malfoy brought his hand to my cheek and wiped it away. His face grew softer as though me crying made him feel bad, but Malfoy had no emotions clearly that he had to read my stuff. “Anna you don’t have to cry” I looked into his eyes and he held a sympathetic look in them. “I will never understand what you see in Weasley and why settled for him because you and I both know that deep inside you, you and Weasley won’t last you two are just so different in so many ways”  Malfoy’s eyes looked down at my lips and then my eyes and back to my lips, he did this multiple times.His stormy eyes looked so beautiful when he wasn’t in my face yelling at me.

I closed my eyes letting the remaining tears fall down my face, Malfoy moved his hands so they cupped my cheeks and he used his thumbs to wipe away the tears on my cheeks. “I have waited so long to do this”  his eyes looked at my lips right before he closed his eyes and I felt mine close too. “Malfoy I can’t… We can’t” I said as tears formed in my eyes and I pushed him back and started running. I ran passed the compartment George was sitting in and into one that was empty. I pulled my knees to my chest and buried my head in my arms as I started to cry.

My premonitions show so much pain between me and Malfoy I can’t let anyone get hurt especially not Draco I care too much about him and that is why I have to stay as far away from him as possible. “Excuse me” I looked up to see two girls obviously twins standing in the doorway of the compartment I was in. I quickly wiped away the tears on my face and sat correctly “I’m sorry but me and my brother are new this year and well I know you’re a seer” My mouth went agape when she said that. “Layla you can’t be so straight forward she obviously doesn’t know the extent of her ability and haven’t told many people” The other girl said to the girl Layla.

“I know that Luka but we have to know that she knows that she can trust us because Elizabeth has made herself very clear that she wants us to make sure her daughter knows how to use her ability and to make sure she stays safe” I look at the twins with a face that I didn’t even know I could make. “Yup she thinks were crazy Luka she thinks were crazy”  The other girl smirked “Stop talking to me and introduce yourself so she doesn’t think we are entirely crazy” The girls walked over to me. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Who the hell are these twins and what do they have to do with Anna's mother? Is this her moms way of gaining her daughters trust back? Maybe this will be a good thing for Anna she can get her mind of Draco and focus on how she is going to control this ability and what else she can do with this new "power" because not many people know she can see the future and it might be best if it is her little secret so no one will take advantage of her or try using her because of her abilities. So unitl next time my lovelies :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

I Cant Believe I Fell in Love with You!! Or Can I? (A Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now