6. Cleaning out my closet

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Georges grip loosened as we walked up the stairs.

I looked around there was something missing it looked different the walls were freshly painted there were pictures on the wall missing.

Then I realized what was missing I was every picture I was in was taken down except for one it was me as a baby being held by a man with black hair who almost looked like Snape but it clearly wasn't.

I tried my best to ignore the fact that my own mother was trying to ignore me and then I made a sudden left turn momentarily confusing George who was slowly following behind me.

I opened the door my room looked the same exactly how I left it. It wasn't touched nothing was touched it looked the same, but it wouldn't for long.

I walked to my closet and saw a suitcase in the corner of my room "get that George" I said to him pointing at the bag in the corner by him. I grabbed the remaining clothes that were in there a few sun dresses I put them in the suitcase. Then I came across something in my closet I hadn't seen in years, it was a large picture in a frame. I allowed my hand to fly to my mouth and let out a gasp.

George instantly coming over to me to make sure I was ok. It was a family portrait "who's in it" George said putting his arms around me. I looked at the picture better "Its a family portrait I was ten years old it was six months before my mom met Bruce" "is that him" He said pointing to the boy with his hand on my shoulder.

"yes that's James, that's the brother I once knew this was four months before his 18th birthday that year everything changed" I said giving it one more good look before turning it around. I grabbed the many shoes I had in the closet and threw them in the bag "how are you fitting everything in there" George said in complete amazement. "its charmed to be never ending" I said simply with a smirk. "I knew that" he said.

I grabbed a shirt that showed my stomach not that I had a choice it hurt to much to wear a regular shirt. and i had jean shorts and of course high heels.

Not smart I know but if any thing George can carry me. I walked out of my bathroom with the little make up I had and added that to the bag and closed it. "hold on I want to do something before we leave... ok?" I asked.

He nodded. I walked over to my desk by the window, and sat down grabbed a piece of parchment and my quill dipped it into ink and started to write.

Dear mother,

Its hurts me to think that you dont care about me. Did you bring me to the Malfoy's because you chose your oldest son a death eater over your only daughter. Its your life and your opinion and I will never forgive you for this I could have died and you didnt care and well I'm happy you never got the chance to meet my wonderful boyfriend because you dont deserve to meet someone as good as him. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley care about as if I was there own daughter and honestly I see them as better parents then you and who ever my father is ever were. I hope your happy Elizabeth I hate you, you are nothing to me I'm giving up on you just as easily as you disowned me. I don't even have the respect to call you my mother.YOU'RE NOTHING TO ME ANYMORE!!!!!!! Hope your happy

Your disowned daughter,

Anna Bella Deafly

I kissed the lower right corner of the parchment something I did with all my letters. I folded it and wrote Elizabeth Deafly Black on the front of it. I stood grabbbed the parchment and looked at George who had a smile on his face looking at a picture by my bed. I walked over to him "what are you looking at" I siad grabbing the picture from him.

It was a picture of me and George kissing. I remember that moment perfectly my hair was straight and I was just released form the hospital wing after Pansy nearly trying to kill me for the second time. I had my Slytherin robes on and I was getting ready to go torture Malfoy and Zabini my room mates.

Due to my issues with Pansy. Ginny came out of no where and took a picture of us kissing getting us at just the right moment. I looked up into Georges big brown eyes a sparkle in them from the sun coming through the window.

I lifted my free hand resting it on his shoulder "I love you Georgie" I said kissing him on the cheek. "I love you to Angel" He whispered sweetly in my ear. I grabbed his hand and walked over to the suit case and carefully placed the picture on top closing it.

George followed me holding my suitcase with one hand and have his other around my shoulder. We walked out of the room I turned around blew a kiss into it and whispered "goodbye" George and I walked down the stairs to see a person standing there, causing me to freeze. It was...


Who do you think it is? Could it be Annas mother or worse James tell me who do you think it is? and dont forget to leave comments tell me how im doing sometime constructive criticism is good so dont be afraid to be cruel but not to cruel

I Cant Believe I Fell in Love with You!! Or Can I? (A Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now