26. True Friends Never Die

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Still in Ginny's P.O.V

I held Hermione back "who are you two I've never seen you around school before and I certainly know for a fact that you are not one of her friends from recent years" The taller skinnier girl smiled at her sister "My name is Luka this is my twin Layla we were sent t Hogwarts by our mother she is good friends with Anna's father we were sent here to keep her safe and so she can learn how to correctly use her new ability and how to control it" Anna giggled and I couldn't relatively think of what she was seeing that made her so happy but my best friend obviously trusted these girls and it took a lot to gain Anna's trust. I put my hand out "Ginny Weasley nice to meet you this is Hermione Granger" the girls smiled and shook our hands. "She's coming back" Layla said and we all looked at Anna who opened her eyes a smile still on her face.

"Ginny Hermione what are you doing here?" I asked confused as my smile fell from my face. "We were looking for you, George saw you crying and thought that you needed a girl to talk to" I smiled a very fake smile and looked at Layla and Luka "I'll meet up with you guys when we get to Hogwarts" The twins smiled and Luka looked at me "Here if you ever need us were just a call away tap that diamond and me and Layla will be there depending on who is closest to you" I smiled at her and took the diamond ring that looked very familiar "Is this my mothers?" I asked and they nodded before walking out of the compartment. "I didn't know you were a seer why didn't you ever tell us we are your best friends" Hermione said looking hurt that I hadn't told them and it kind of annoyed me. "Who else knows? Does George? Probably not" Ginny snarled and I felt hurt by the way she was talking to me. "No Ginny I didn't tell him" Ginny's face was now as read as her hair. "Why wouldn't you tell anyone first we find out your mothers a death eater and we have to basically take care of you because poor Anna has no family" Ginny was fuming with anger and I felt tears stinging my eyes "Then you kiss Zabini after my brother gives you priceless jewelry and asks you to be his sister brides maid and you are still lying. Does Malfoy know?" I didn't answer her and Hermione looked angry now "you told Malfoy before us were your friends Anna not Malfoy he's the guy that is always fighting with you" I felt myself explode "Me and Draco were best friends as little kids his parents are my god parents and he knows I'm a seer so does Blaise" I took in a deep breath "and here I might as well tell you everything because I don't want to be accused of lying so here let's see when I was little my older brother became a death eater raped me and then went to live with my father who I thought I never knew but secretly was my 'uncle' I have to live with the Malfoy family and Draco's aunt has some grudge against my mother and frankly scares the hell out of me" Ginny and Hermione still looked furious and my eyes stung as tears filled in them. I stood up and looked at both the girls trying to hold back the tears so they wouldn't see me cry. "If you were truly my best friends you would understand why I didn't tell you guys and I didn't tell George because I didn't know how to its kind of hard to explain to your boyfriend that you're having premonitions about your supposed to be enemy and the bad things you are seeing about the people you love the most" I looked Ginny in the eyes "I didn't tell any of you yet because I only found out a few days before my birthday and it just slipped my mind I'm sorry that I haven't had the time to owl you guys and tell you the latest gossip of my life" Ginny looked at me still angry "You and Draco are so alike they weren't kidding when they said Slytherin's and Gryffindor's will never be friends" I looked at Hermione as a tear fell down my cheek. "Some friends you guys are!" I pushed passed the two girls and ran right out of the compartment. George was walking my way a smile on his face but that quickly fell when he saw me. "What happened" he asked trying to pull me into a hug but I pushed him away "Ask your sister, turns out we aren't friends anymore and honestly George the stuff she just threw in my face makes me realize why Gryffindor's and Sltherin's never get along" George looked sad and confused "My sister wouldn't hurt a fly you probably said something to her that made her blow up you are in Slytherin house after all" I looked at George with wide eyes and I pushed him out of my way and began to run towards the compartment that held all my stuff. Everyone looked at me confused Fred looked concerned at my appearance and Ron and Harry looked clueless I grabbed my bag and walked right out of the compartment without saying a word to any of them. "Anna wait I didn't mean it like that" I heard George say from behind me, I saw Malfoy and Zabini standing out in the walk way. I touched the snake on my neck "Help me" I said in my head and turned to look at George "George just leave me alone" I yelled and he grabbed my wrist I squeezed my eyes shut as I focused on Draco's voice. "what happened" Draco and Blaise sounded concerned. "Just get him away from me them all away from me they are all arses I hate them all" I shouted in my head. "Anna please look at me I promise I didn't mean to say it" I looked George in the eye "That's the thing George you didn't mean to say it but you were thinking it and that is enough for me" I said and I tried to remove my wrist from his grip. "George just let go of me I don't want to talk to anyone right now" I said as tears streamed down my cheek. "Weasley you heard her she said let her go" I was holding the tears the best I could as George let go of me. I instantly turned and was pulled into someone's arms. I knew right away who it was when I saw his shiny new prefect badge on his robes. "Anna we will be at the school soon we you need to change into your robes once we've done our prefect duties we can talk I promise I will listen but right now I have to deal with Parkinson Blaise will make sure no one bothers you"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ holy cannoli everyone voiced there opinion in this chapter. I wrote this intending for Anna to be in a very depressed state of mind and honestly I think Anna over reacted a tad bit but let's see how this little situation takes a tole on her ego.  

Will it bring out the long line of Slytherin descendants in her? Will she break up with George she is still wearing the ring he gave her so from what has happened so far I think they are still dating. I don't know what I'm gonna do with that whole relationship, debating on who I want her to be with but I'm leaning towards single for a while but my ADHD has my mind changing every five or so minutes. Well hope you guys enjoyed this chapter there will be more soon I promise. Comment, vote, and fan even message me your opinions.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I Cant Believe I Fell in Love with You!! Or Can I? (A Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now