19. Don't I have a say in any of this

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hey my lovely fans so I am going to make the next few chapters really long so I wont be on chapter 30 and Anna will just be getting into Hogwarts. so I am going to maaking the chapters super long. But I am sur eyou guys will like that so continue reading a lot is going to happen in this chapter and trust me when I mean ALOT I hope you guys are enjoying it so far the last chapter was really short but the wifi is down in my house so I have to transfer my story to my desktop from my laptop and that is just a pain in the butt but I haven't uploading in a while so I figured you guys are worth it Love you guys :D~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Lucius and Narcissa's face seemed to soften as I finished speaking something my mother would do. I understand questioning my relationship but why is Lucius so protective of me I just don't understand it at all I'm sure if it was their son I was dating they wouldn't care at all. I felt a shiver go down my spine at the thought of Draco being my boyfriend "Yes Anna also got a letter from the ministry of magic" Lucius said making me freeze was he really going to make me talk about that god for saken letter here now. My eyes were locked on Narcissa and the nervous look on her face said she was hiding something from me.

I looked around at the people surrounding me Draco was doing the smart thing by his business unles he heard his name. Blaise was looking around waiting for the awkward silence to end, Narcisssa looked ata Blaise. Blaise met her gaze and not much after did he stand up and say "If it's ok I think I'm going to go to my room I think you to speak to Anna and Draco alone" Narcissa nodded as Blaise left.

"goodbye and good luck" he mouthed to  me before leaving the dining room and everyone waited for his footsteps to dye out. "Draco dear" Narcissa started in a sweer motherly voice  "The reason Anna's family was always so close to us was because Anna is our god daughter and as her god parents we have to take her in she will be living with us"

Draco's forke fell from his hand as shock and anger swept over his face he obviously knew as much as I did. "So why are you telling me this it has nothing to do with me" Draco said in a bitter and cruel voice that I had never heard him talk to anyone like that.

"Draco Malfoy you are not to talk to oyur mother like that" Lucius said his voice even more bitter and cruel than Draco's. "or else" he finished. "Anna please read the letter so Draco can understand the circumstances"

I took the letter form my pocket and opened it once again as it spoke the same words it had before but at the very end something popped of the envelpope and fell in front of Narcissa. Which Narcissa read out loud, but only loud enough so Lucius could her, me and Draco struggled to hear what it said.

All of a sudden the minister of magic apparated into the dining room and I was not very excited to see him. Narcissa smiled at him and Lucius stood and shook his hand "I'm here to make it official" he said motioning towards me and taking out his wand "make what official" I growled meancingly as I jumped up from my seat. "Sit down" Draco  muttered but I ignored him all eyes were  on me.

"well to make Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy your legal guardians or as some later come to call their guardians their parents" I felt my anger rise were they really trying to replace themselves as my parents well if they were it was not happening I would not allow it. "But just because my mother is a death eater doesn't mean I need guardians I don't need new parents I can take care of myself I have been top of my class at Hogwarts for five years I took out two death eaters on my own I can take care of my self" I walked towards the exit of the dining room tears stinging my eyes as they threatened to fall.

"I dont need any of you" I said bitterly before walking out of the dining room and upstairs stomping my feet every step I took. I got to my room a few tears running down my face as I swung the door open Blaise jumped form his bed. He gave me a solemn look "What happened" he siad walking over to me "Nothing can you apparate me soomewhere" I said tears threatening to fall.

As I grabbed a bunch of clothes and threw them in my trunk I wanted to be as far aawaky from here as possible. "Anna calm down I will take you but you have to tell me wheer first" I looked at Blaise with tears in my eyes as I pulled out my wand and said a spell all my stuff instantly packed including the stuff my father gave me.

Draco came barging throught the door Blaise standing next to, I reached out for his hand "Blaise don't you.." he was cut short as Blaise grabbed my hand and we were twisted and turned as we apparated from the room. We were instantly in front of the burrow and Blaise nodded at me before apparating away.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OK guys I can't keep looking at my laptop and then transfering over to my desktop my eyes hurt to much so I will go to starbucks tomorrow and upload a long chapter I promise it will be really long but I hope you guys liked this chapter and this is not the last we have heard from the minister.

I Cant Believe I Fell in Love with You!! Or Can I? (A Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now