I Cant Believe I Fell in Love with You!! Or Can I? (A Draco Malfoy love story)

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My mother woke me, she was running back and forth in my room getting my clothes and doing other things while telling me I needed to wake up.

"Mother we are only going to the Malfoy's house for a day" I said groggily. "why are you taking so many clothes"

"Sweet heart" she said I knew I wasn't going to like what was going to come out of her mouth next. "You see dear Mrs. Malfoy asked me if you would stay with them for the three weeks left before you and Draco return to Hogwarts" she said impatiently waiting for my response that didn't come. "I knew you wouldn't take this to an advantage so I took the liberty in telling her you would be delighted"

I look at her wanting to rip her into little tiny pieces "Why in the BLOODY HELL would you do that" I screamed at her.

"Because I knew you would say no and you and Draco will have fun" she screamed back. "Well I don't want to go" I retorted. "You have no choice your going and that's final" she screamed. "I haven't had fun with Draco since I was two" I muttered under my breathe. "What was that" my mother said angrily. "Can you please leave so I can get ready for my next three weeks of hell" I said challenging her anger. "Your so..." she cut herself off and walked out of the room.

I had noticed that my snowy white owl had returned most likely late last night. I petted her lightly I noticed the letter was open. It was from George Weasley my best friend and my boyfriend. The letter read:

Dear Anna,

I know it has taken me a while to answer I'm sorry' love. It has been a little crazy in my house lately Ron fell off his broom last week and broke his leg. Hes such a clumsy idiot. Right? But anyways I miss you greatly I'm hoping to see you whenever possible. Three weeks seems so long alls I have is pictures I can't wait to see you, you say you've lost weight its not like you needed to. But i have to go tend to my insuline younger brother I love you.

Love Always,

George Weasley

"Mother" I screamed furiously knowing she read the letter.

"Yes dear" she said popping her head into my room.

"You had no right reading this" I said hoding up the letter. "I am your mother i control you until your eighteen according to the law" she said "whatever' i said knowing i wouldnt win this battle. She left. I walked over to my closest taking a body fitting skirt out and a black tank top with a blue cut off shirt that hung over my right shoulder that said kiss me on the front of it.

I knew my mother would not allow me to go in any regular shoe so I got a pair of high heels I went into my bathroom and lightly applied some makeup. I brushed my teeth and grabbed my wand and said a spell all my stuff was packed and my wand shrank into a mini size. "Anna what did i tell you about that" my mother said. I rolled my eyes. "whatever mom ill be down in a minute" i said. I walked over to my desk i sat down I grabbed a piece of paper and a quill. i dipped it in the ink and started writing.

I Cant Believe I Fell in Love with You!! Or Can I? (A Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now