18. An awkward dinner conversation

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"yeah he's more than a friend" Draco said as Blaise stiffled a laugh but if Draco finished his sentence I will kill him. "He is her boyfriend they have been dating a little over a year" It's official Draco Malfoy better consider himself dead. A look of shock swept of Narcissa's face she probably instantly thought of me as a blood traitor. Draco had a cocky smile on his face as well as Blaise so I elbowed them both in the rib cage and stomped hard on Draco's foot.

"oh of course I do recall your mother saying you had a boyfriend" she smiled a fake smile that reminded me of my mother in so many ways it disgusted me. "yes the boy is very friendly" Lucius said unsatisfaction in his voice "a little inappropiateno boy should ever touch a girl like that unless they are betrothed to one another it is a good thing my boy has more manors than that and knows to never disrespect or touch a girl like that unless it is his betrothed" Lucius carried on I tried not to laugh when Lucius spoke of Draco it was hard not to but I managed.

But I couldn't help but gigle when Blaise covered his mouth so his laughing would be noticeable obviously his parents knew nothing of his reputation at school. Known as the 'Slytherin Sex God' I could use that as leverage "George isn't usually like that he er.. um just really loves me" I didn't mean to say it it just came out like word vomit (shout out in the next chapter who knows what 'word vomit' is from comment and let me know)

I meant to say like not love even Draco seemed shock Blaise not as much but Lucius did not look happy at all this dinner conversation has just taken one nasty turn "Oh he loves you" Lucius said curiosity in his voice. "I didn't know he said he loved you and that you love him" Draco and Blaise said at the exact same time.

"Er... Yeah he said I love you one night when I had a fight with" I hesitated for  a moment would I call her by her name or go with my better judgement. I went with my better judgement "my mother and I had taken some Floo Powder and stayed at the Weasley's home that night he also gave me this ring" I said putting my hand out to show them the promise ring on my left finger. "It is beautiful" Narcissa said grabbing my hand lightly while showing that same fake smile.

"it is a promis ring what is the promise" Lucius said looking extremely unhappy than usual. "to tell each other the truth no matter what and that we will wait" I stopped why did I just say that I felt like I was lying to my mother but I wasn't these were Draco's parents I was talking to not mine.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok guys I know it is short but I have to go the first person to tell me what movie WORD VOMIT comes from gets a shout out in the next chapter and I can't believe I have over 400 hundred reads I love you guys and don't forget to comment. I would love to here what you guys thing so far ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


I Cant Believe I Fell in Love with You!! Or Can I? (A Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now