30. I Can't Believe They Are Gone

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"Come on baby sister I promise I won't hurt you" James said, in a very taunting manor. I ignored what he said and continued to run through a forest. I had no idea where I was going and I didn't know of anywhere I could hide. I was more than relieved when I saw a patch of bushes in the clearing and hid behind them, grasping my wand so tight in my hand my knuckles were turning white. "Come out come out wherever you are" he said again, taunting me with every word. My heart was pounding in my chest and tried to stay as still as I possibly could when James passed by the bushes I was hiding behind.

"Have you found her yet James" my heart must have stopped when I heard her voice. I felt all of the color drain from my face as true fear sank in, I knew James' intentions were to capture and torture me but Bellatrix would kill me on the spot with her first chance. 

"Not yet but I will Bella, she is here. I can feel it" James said slightly annoyed by her sudden nagging. James was a seer like the rest of our family and when he said he could feel I was their, it was the truth. If there is another seer in close by I can feel it, almost like when a werewolf smells a threat. I honestly didn't know what they wanted from me and I didn't plan on finding out. I threw a temporary blinding potion at them and started running as fast as I possibly could.

"Stupid bitch" I heard my brother yell but I ignored it and continued running, everything around me was moving so quickly, I don't think I've ever ran so fast before. I tripped over a branch sticking out of the ground and felt my heart sink when I saw two pale white feet in front of me. I looked up and my darkest fears had been realized. He found me. 

"Hello my dear" he pulled out his wand and I screamed from the top of my lungs, begging, hoping, praying for someone to save me.

"Draco help me! Draco! Draco please!" I screamed. 

"Anna Anna I'm right here. Anna your safe. Anna we're still in Hogwarts, you're safe" I jumped up, screaming as my arms hooked underneath Draco's shoulders and I began to cry. He held me tightly in his arms and rubbed circles on my back. I couldn't control my crying, I was so scared, my dream felt so real. 

"He's going to kill me Draco. He wants something from me, thats why he had my parents killed he had to get them out of the way" 

"Who Anna, Who wants you" 

"Lord Voldemort" Draco's gripped loosened around me and I suddenly felt like my head was going to explode. I grabbed my head and started screaming. 

"I will find you my dear. Your parents kept me from you but don't worry I will get you and there is nothing anyone can do to stop me" a low voice said under a loud ringing in my ears. 

"Help me" I screamed and Draco shot up and ran out of the room, I could hear him screaming for Snape. The ringing got louder and my body felt like it was on fire, my body twisted and turned in uncomfortable positions as I struggled to keep control of myself. I saw Professor Dumbledore, Snape and Trelawney. 

"Sybill what is wrong with her" I was laying on the bed in a very stiff position, trying to keep control of my mind, trying to keep James from forcing a vision onto me. Professor Trelawney touched my hand and she stepped back. 

"Evil, something very very evil is trying to take control of her. But she's very powerful, she's the strongest Seer I've been able to sense since her mother was a student here" I couldn't keep up with the fight, James tapped into a vision that I had never seen before.

"My lord why are we going to go after Elizabeth Deafly, she poses no threat to us, she's a pregnant Seer" Bellatrix spat at Voldemort. Voldemort grinned in Bellatrix's direction.

"Bella you see, it is not Elizabeth Deafly I want its her baby" 

"Why?" I turned to look at a pregnant Narcissa Malfoy, who was accompanied Lucius, it makes sense, if my mother was pregnant with me then so was Narcissa, me and Draco are only two months apart in age. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2013 ⏰

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I Cant Believe I Fell in Love with You!! Or Can I? (A Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now