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Hey guys I know it has been so very long since I last updated and I really do apologize for that. But my writers block has passed so I will be writing and updating more often now. I hope you guys enjoy the chapter.


"Miss Deafly there you are, Professor Snape and I have been looking everywhere for you" McGonagall went to put her arm around me as if to be comforting but I stepped away from her, she said nothing and motioned for me to follow her. I followed behind her, silently.

"You know Anna I've known you for many years now and I also know that, like your mother you like to mask your emotions" she turned a corner suddenly and I followed her down the long, narrow corridor, unwillingly listening to her. "As much as you might want to ignore the situation, you can't. Even the strongest people break sometimes" I gave her a blank kind of stare.

"I'm not upset, my parents were murderers... as far as I am concerned they got what they deserved" McGonagall pursed her lips together and stopped in front of a statue of a Hippogriff.

"Your mother did that too" I looked at McGonagall, confusion taking over my facial features. "Lie to yourself as well as others, so it wouldn't hurt so much"

"But I'm not lying" she sighed.

"Gingersnap" she yelled and with a wave of her wand the Hipogriff began to spiral upwards, revealing a staircase. McGonagall stopped me before I ascended the staircase. "I know Professor Snape is your Head of House but if you ever need anyone to talk to, you know where to find me" I nodded and continued up the staircase. I came to a wooden door with 'Headmaster' engraved on it, I knocked on it softly.

"Come in" I entered the room, closing the door behind me, my stomach lurching a bit when I saw the Minister of Magic standing beside Professor Dumbledore. "Please Anna sit" I sat in the arm chair that was in front of Dumbledore's desk. "How are you feeling?"


"Just fine" he retorted quickly.

"Yes, just fine" I stared at his desk, unable to make eye contact.

"I wouldn't expect someone who has had the day you have had, to be just fine"

"It was eventful, but nothing I can't handle"

"I don't doubt that" Dumbledore said smiling "But Mr. Fudge and I would like to help you better understand what has happened to your parents" I sat up a little straighter in my chair. 

"My parents were murderers that were ironically murdered, what else is there to know" Dumbledore sat up straighter in his chair.

"Anna do you know what the Order Of The Phoenix is" I nodded. "Your parents were spy's for The Order" I was taken aback by what Dumbledore said, a twinge of guilt eating at me. Dumbledore placed two envelopes in front of me.

"Your mother and father wrote these to you in case something happened to them" I took them and placed them in my lap, not wanting to read them.

"I'll read them, just not now" Dumbledore nodded, understandingly.

"Miss Deafly we also think you can help us better understand what happened to your parents"

"Cornelius I told you not to mention that, she might not have enough control over her visions yet"

"Mention what" I asked and  Dumbledore sighed and pulled out a pictue.

"Some Seers, like yourself, are able to touch pictures and through a vision, they see the events that led up to the picture"

I Cant Believe I Fell in Love with You!! Or Can I? (A Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now