23. Platform 9 3/4

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He brushed his hand across my face wiping away the tears his hands felt warm on my face. "My parents see you as a daughter to them we have been in each others lives for so long you could never annoy them when you were in the hospital I don't think I have seen my father so concerned for someone other than himself or me "  he brought my face closer to his "your like the little sister I never had and even when we fight we still manage to not completely hate each other or kill each other" Draco smirked "but then again there has been someone there to keep us from killing each other" I tried to hold back the smile on my face. Draco smirked like he had an idea as his hands fell to my sides and he pulled me towards him quickly. My heart started beating quicker I thought it was going to beat right out of my chest. 'NO what was I saying I shouldn't be doing this I have a boyfriend that I love and me and Draco are friends JUST FRIENDS' I said to myself more like screamed in my head.

"Are you still as ticklish as you used to be" my eyes went wide "N-N-no" I stammered he put his hands up as I started to back away from him. I pushed him back as I ran to one side of my room he stumbled backwards but quickly regained his balnce. After chasing me for almost what seemed like five minutes he tackled me to the ground. Sitting on my waist pinning me to the floor I looked into his amazing stormy eyes. "We used to be able to do that for hours you never gave up this easily your losing your touch Deafly you really are" Draco said in a mocking tone.

I raised an eyebrow "Mr. Malfoy are you willing to make a bet on that" he seemed to ponder my question but he agreed "and you always fell for my tricks"  I said flipping him over so I was on top of him. "Loser has to fly on their broom in nothing but their undergarments"  He smirked "Deal" and that is where it all turned into craziness. We must have went at it for hours throwing punches, tackling each other. I was having so much fun and for the first time in a long time me and Draco Malfoy were happy together. No fighting no arguing neither of us were hating each other for past events.

I felt a neutral feeling right now with Draco and I feel like we are six again and just as close as we used to be. "Ok Draco I give up please I can't" Draco was tickling me and I had no choice but to give up. I couldn't handle it anymore my sides were killing me and I needed to catch my breath. "So about that bet" he said getting up and grabbing my hand helping me up. "I didn't expect you to tickle me half to death or you would have been the loser"  I said crossing my arms over my chest I was cold and I didn't want Draco to notice, if you understand what I am saying.

"Let me change so we can get this stupid bet over with" I said walking past him and going straight to my room. Draco sniggered as I ran up the stairs I put on a pair of black boy shorts and a black bra. I pulled on a bath robe and a pair of slippers and made my way down the stairs. Draco was standing by the front door a broom in hand and a cocky smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes when I looked at him he opened the door allowing me to go outside before him. It was pitch black outside and there was a breeze that hit my barely clothed body making me shiver slightly. "Ready Deafly" Draco said throwing the broom at me. "I was born ready Malfoy" I said confidently but inside I was thinking ‘what the hell did I get myself into’ I laid my broom on the ground we were by the trees that lined Malfoy manor.

Draco's P.O.V 

She seemed pretty confident about doing this. She was a little hesitant she looked up at the moon and took in a deep breath. She wasn't facing me "do I have to face you when I take this off" she asked motioning to the bath robe that was revealing her shoulders. "Yes" I said confidently what was the difference from seeing her in a bikini and seeing her in a bra and underwear. She turned around and looked away not making any eye contact. She slowly pulled off the bathrobe. She revealed the black bra laced bra that cupped her breast perfectly. I could feel myself becoming turned on by what I was seeing. Her collar bone was defined against her skin she had a perfect body.

Her stomach slowly became visible and I could see the top of her black boy shorts. Her perfectly toned legs were showing goose bumps she was obviously cold. Her hands moved up her thighs and she turned around fixing her boy shorts. I don't know if she did this intentionally to be a tease or if it was just a habit. But it was definitely making my hormones go crazy. She put her hand out and the broom flew up into her hand. She mounted herself on the broom and she began to fly around.

I was focused on the way her hair blew in the wind she looked graceful and amazing. Was I accumulating feelings for her? No! I couldn't I would end up hurting her she would never love a death eater. She would never trust me I can't hurt her by falling in love with her and then hurting her friends or the people she loves. "Hello earth to Draco" I quickly snapped back into reality. "What" I said looking at her "can I come down now" she asked her lips looked blue she was freezing. "Yeah" I said she looked relieved and quickly landed. "I'm going to bed" she said when she handed the broom back to me and grabbed her bathrobe and ran back into the house.

It has been two weeks and me and Draco are back to the usual routine. We have had daily disagreements and we have injured two house elves. But I wasn't going to let him ruin my day today. We were going back to Hogwarts today and I was excited although I was going to have to share a room with him I was excited to be reunited with my amazing boyfriend who has sent me a letter every single day since his family was at Malfoy manor.

I was standing on platform 9 3/4 with Draco he was bidding his parents goodbye. Narcissa had taken me to Diagon alley to buy all new clothes and stuff I needed for school. Narcissa and Lucius left and Draco and I looked at each other annoyed. "Hey over there George she is with Malfoy" Draco made a gagging noise. I rolled my eyes "don't be such an arse Malfoy you might just show some emotion" I said grabbing my trunk and walking towards the Weasley family. "Hi Anna" Ron said as someone came behind me covering my eyes with his hands. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Draco and Anna are really budding heads, who is going to blow up first, I think Anna might just go off on him but will another premonition mkae her regret the things she says in the future to Draco. Yes I finally got up to where they are in Hogwarts, I have  alot planned but it is really frustrating having all of this stuff to do with school. I am going to update the best I cna to update in the next week it is very hard I am expreiencing some very frustrating writers block and it is drivining me absolutely crazy. I will do my absolute best to update for my fans though because I know some of you have been asking me to updating more often than I have been but it is kinda hard when I am so busy with school and clubs and gettign a job and my drivers license. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I Cant Believe I Fell in Love with You!! Or Can I? (A Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now