2. Just face the facts

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Dear George,

My mother has made me do the unthinkable, she is making spend the next three weeks with the Malfoy's. She thinks me not wanting to go is because im some isolated freak. But i will write as much as i can, tell Ron that he is supposed to stay on the broom next time I love you.

Love Always,

Your angel

"Anna lets go" my mother said from the bottom of the stairs. I closed the letter and put it in my owls mouth "to George Weasley, but return to the Malfoy's" i told her as i watched her fly away. I walked downstairs "You have a letter from Hogwarts" she said handing me the envelope. I opened it ; Miss Deafly you along side of Draco Malfoy have been chosen to be the Prefect for the Slitherian house. I put the letter down and rolled my eyes. "What did it say" my mother asked. "I've been chosen as a prefect" i said. walking outside to see my step dad waiting for us "wheres your mother we need to be leaving" he questioned. "im right here dear" she answered from behind me.

My mother grabbed onto Bruce's hand and i held my mothers arm as we apparated to the Malfoy's. We were there within seconds I backed away from my parents i hate apparating there are times when I get extremely sick but my mother didnt care she insited on making me do it over and over again. I though i was going to be sick but i just stood there for a moment, when my stomach stopped going a million miles an hour i sstood up striaght and looked at my mother. Who showed no concern on her face what so ever, Bruce held my bags in his hands i trailed behind my mother. I looked around I imagined the mansion to be much bigger but as Draco says its only a summer home. I giggled to myself.

My mother entered the Malfoy's house i followed behind her i admired the lavish house. "oh my dear you look so much like your father" Mrs. Malfoy said. My father was and as far as i know is a Death Eater. I didnt like talking about him. I saw Lucius along side Narcissa "Dracos upstairs" she said "thank you Mrs. Malfoy" i said. "oh please call me Narcissa" she said. "ok" i said. "Draco will show you your room" Lucius said as i walked towards the stairs. I started walking up the stairs I looked up to see a patch of blonde hair. "Deafly?" the person uttered. "Malfoy" I retorted. I walked up the stairs entirely.

"You look different" Draco said eyeing me up and down."I'll take that as a compliment" I sarcastically smirked. "so i hear your dating Weasley" he retorted catching me off guard. "Ron? No. Never" i said partially disguisted. "No Deafly im talking about George" he said. "Why yes i am" i said "but why do you care" "No reason but anyways i expect that you've gottwn the letter from Hogwarts" he questioned. "yes, and Maofot where is my room" i said. "follow me" he said. i followed along side of Draco and he opened the door to a room. 'How can she be so careless when it comes to me' Draco thought to himself.

I turned to Draco who appeared to be in a daze I knew exactly what I could do to get Draco out of it. My mother wouldnt have found very lady like but i am nothing like my mother wants me to be. I turned to fully face Draco and walked towards him swaying hips. i stopped in front of Draco i took of my shirt partially revealing my chest through my tank top. i layed a hand on Dracos shoulder who was ateast a foot taller than me. I stood on my tippy toes my li[s directly accross from his this was not only me being a tease but me testing Dracos ego. I'd never seen Dracos eyes so close before they were rather amazing. I looked into his eyes but i broke away I couldnt let myself do this i loved George i didnt care about Draco he was cold hearted, i was to in my own ways. Thats one of the many reasons why i was sorted into slithrin house.

This was the start of a long summer, I walked away from Draco I heard the door close suddenly. Before i could turn around arms rapped around my waist, "your such a tease I knew you had feelings for me" Draco said with a light chuckle. "thats where your wrong Malfoy your ego keeps you from telling the difference between a girl acting and true love" i said as Dracos grip on me loosened. I have no attraction for Draco what so ever. "please leave ferret" i spat. He hated when he was called a ferret and I did it all the time it gets under his skin and thats one thing i loved doing. "I dont understand" Draco said walking towards me. "You say you could care less about me yet you manage to get lost in my eyes and you find it fun to be a tease" Draco said. "How dont you like me" This annoyed me I walked up to Draco practically steaminng mad. "I dont like you DRACO because you know the only reason ou hsve even associated with me in school was because Pansy threatened my life so i was put in the boys dormitory, we are associates and thats it your a bully you made fun of my weight and the fact that i associated with the Weasleys. The only reason you have an attraction bcausew i lost weight and i have grown into my self you like my body and thats it" I shouted as tears fell from my face. ""The only time you showed concern for me was when I was attacked by a death eater admit it Draco you shag every girl you can you dont care about me you just care about weither your getting in my pants or not" I screamed crying.

I Cant Believe I Fell in Love with You!! Or Can I? (A Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now