10. A long night

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"Kiss her again" Fred yelled. I rolled my eyes at him and started to walk towards Fleur and Bill to thank them for allowing me to be in there wedding. When a hand grabbed mine pulling me back, I was in Georges arm then he dipped me backwards and kissed me.

This was so corny but I was loving it so much. This kiss was so amazing it was like our first kiss all over again I had butterflies in my stomach and I felt like we were the only two people in the world. That was exactly how I was feeling at that moment.

I knew that being with George was the right thing to do. I pulled away from George as he lifted me back up, I gazed up into his eyes "I love you Angel" he said loud enough for everyone to here. "I love you too Georgie" I said at the same tone of voice so everyone could here. I heard a few giggles from behind us, obviously Ginny and Hermoine. George put his arm over my shoulder and we walked towards the crowd of people. "wait" George said.

"I almost forgot" I stopped walking as George stepped behind me I realized what he was doing so I pulled my hair over my shoulder. I watched the necklace pass in front of me and lowered on to my neck. George pulled my hair back and grabbed my hand once again and we started walking. I felt my face get hot, as I noticed all eyes were on me. Remus watched me closely and his eyes seemed to widen with curiosity when he saw the bandages on my stomach.

I watched Tonks eyes light up with concern on her face. I let go off Georges hand and walked over to Bill and Fleur "I love the necklace" I said smiling while touching the necklace.

Fleur pulled me into a hug and Bill hugged around Fleur making a 'me' sandwich. I was actually kinda surprised when Bill hugged me and Fleur he seems like a very serious person. I started to smile as I saw Fred giving his brother a high five as if he just accomplished a proposal.

Bill backed away from the hug and I let go off Fleur, she looked at me and said "George said your birth stone was a red Ruby and by the way happy early birthday" "thank you" I said smiling and giving her one last hug. I had totally forgot about my birthday, it was Friday. I walked over to Remus and Tonks "yes your birthday is in six days isn't it" Remus said.

I nodded.

"maybe later after dinner we could talk about your parents" Remus said looking at me and then at Tonks for re-assurance.

She smiled at me.

I hoped my voice wouldn't crack when I said "yes we could talk about Bruce and my mom and how they have just d-d-disappeared" but to my unavailing my voice cracked and a tear ran don my cheek I quickly wiped it away.

"Ok everybody time for dinner lets go" Mrs. Weasley said motioning everybody inside. I sat between George and Fred and across from Remus and Tonks. Tonks kept looking at the bandages on my stomach I knew what the first question was gonna be when I had the conversation with Remus and Tonks.

"so whats your answer" Fred said snapping me back into reality. "what sorry I zoned out" I said bringing my gaze to meet his. he sighed "why is it you love George more than me when I'm obviously the better looking twin" He said with a confident smile as he said the last part. "well" I said.

"you and George look exactly alike so it has nothing to do with looks and I love George because hes nice and confident and funny and smart when he wants to be" I paused as I debated on saying the last part "but most of all hes the twin that I have fallen head over heels in love with, but don't worry Fred I love you too" I said giving him a side hug.

Mrs. Weasley came in with floating dishes all around her and they placed themselves on the table.

As everything was on the table and George was reaching out t oget some vegetables. I started to think about the dark mark I had saw on my moms arm, I felt the tears form in my eyes and the pain tug at my heart.

I shrugged off the thought and noticed George putting excessive amounts of food on my plate. I put my hand in front of him "chill I cant eat all of that" He nodded and chuckled.

Everyone was eating and it was awkwardly silent especially for me so Bill the last person I expected to be the first to speak, and I definitely didn't expect to here what he said next "So Anna hows your mother" My heart dropped "I saw her at Diagon Alley today she looked a little tired and upset I was wondering if you knew what was going on, and she was crying into someones shoulder I thought I heard her say your name a few times but I just ignored it" I instantly rose up from my seat and ran covering my face so no one could see the tears.


Ok guys so its a new week tomorrow I will upload as much as I can I love you guys adn please ocmment it is killing me not knowing what you guys think of my story so please comment

I Cant Believe I Fell in Love with You!! Or Can I? (A Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now