21. I don't know what to think of you anymore

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When they directed there attention to me and Draco who I was glaring at evilly. I buried my anger and my thoughts of revenge as I plastered a fake smile on my face. “she was being shy” Draco repeated “oh there is no need” Molly said she looked very pretty I don’t think I have seen her looking so fancy. I elbowed Draco in the rib cage as he tried to put his arm around me “yes I know I’m just a very shy person” I said George raised an eyebrow at me. We were all talking about who else but me Lucius occasionally glared at George who kept winking at me just joking around. Suddenly the doorbell rang, I jumped up from my seat more scared than anything “I will get it” I said “I’ll come” Draco said.

“I think I can manage love” I said sarcastically. There it was again that evil smirk. I walked over to the door my heels clinging against the floor. I opened the door and was surprised to see none other than Blaise who had flowers and matched Draco except his tux was green and his shirt was silver. “these are for you beautiful you’re favorite flowers carnations and a box of liquorish wands your favorite candy” he handed me the candy and flowers. I smiled at him and he pulled me into a hug “Your boyfriend is hiding an intimate secret as well” he whispered in my ear. I looked at him weirdly as I pulled away from him. I welcomed him into the house and I held the flowers over my arm. We walked back to the sitting room Blaise handed Narcissa a bouquet of red roses and Molly a bouquet ofyellow roses.

They both thanked him and Blaise sat down next to Draco and I being as ignorant as I was not wanting to sit next to Lucius. I sat on the arm rest that Blaise had his arm on. “oh I almost forgot” He said jumping from his seat and making me fall onto the couch my head landing in Draco’s lap. I moved so I was sitting correctly again “Thank you Blaise for proving the fact that I am a clumsy person” everyone laughed at my comment “ok Blaise what did you forget” Blaise stuck his hand in his pocket “for the Weasley family” he handed a galleon to each of them and a chocolate frog. “Mr. Malfoy” he said handing him a bottle of fire whiskey. “don’t worry my dad bought that” he joked then he turned to me.

He handed me a card and a rapped box. I opened the card first the front of the card said “Friends are frustrating annoying and can be very thick headed but those things usually don’t matter what matters is that they are sweet fun and always there for you” I read aloud. I opened the card and a bunch of Weasley explosive fireworks came out causing me to giggle and George had a smirk on his face.

I continued to read “Anna although you are devious and quite danger prone and a annoying roommate but you are also a smart beautiful and hard working girl but most of all your one of my best friends” I read silently Blaise must have enchanted it to speak his words when opened. I put the card down and hugged him “thank you” I whispered. I saw George who didn’t look very happy “I love you” I mouthed over Blaise’s shoulder. He smiled it was obviously fake “ok open the box” Blaise said sitting down and I sat on the arm rest again. I grabbed the box unwrapping it I looked at it carefully before opening it.

I opened it and it was a gold pair of hoop earrings with little diamonds around them. There was also a gold necklace with  a green snake pendant it was simple but I absolutely loved it. “I love it thank you” a little house elf came in “Young Mr. Malfoy the lounge is ready for your plan” the elf said everyone seemed to know what was going on but me. George stood up and took my hand in his and walked me into the kitchen “um what are they planning” I said as he lifted me onto the counter. He stood between my legs his face inches from mine. “I love you” he whispered leaning his forehead against mine.

“I love you too” I whispered back. He put his hands on either side of my face and smashed his lips against mine, his hands fell from my face as they dropped to my waist. I snaked my arms around his neck kissing him but I couldn’t help but think about telling him about Blaise and that was one thing I have to do. Someone cleared throated and I blushed a bright red when I saw Lucius standing there. “Mr. Weasley I would appreciate if you kept your hands to yourself while in my house” he said I soon stopped blushing my bright red color after he said that.“ok Lucius I will be there in a minute” I said jumping off the counter and grabbing George’s hand entangling my fingers with his. Lucius soon left me unwillingly alone with George I turned to him “George I have to tell you something” I said trying to keep a straight face “I have to tell you something me first though” he said a look of worry on his face.

I Cant Believe I Fell in Love with You!! Or Can I? (A Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now