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Hermione was visibly frustrated as she looked up from the essay that she was writing to reply. "Look Harriet, from what you've told us it sounds like he is doing exactly what he is supposed to be doing, that is teaching you occlumency."

"Trust me, it isn't like that" Harriet insisted darkly.

He had seen her tits!

"What is it like then?" Hermione asked, raising her brows expectantly.

Harriet sighed deeply. There was no way to explain the situation to Hermione without also telling her about the private incidents that Snape had witnessed inside her head, and she definitely didn't want Hermione knowing about those. Or the fact that she had been keeping them from her best friends.

"Hey 'Mione, is my essay finished yet? It's due tomorrow" Ron cut in. Harriet was grateful that he had saved her from answering Hermione's question.

Hermione finished scribbling with a flourish and handed the parchment to Ron before setting down her quill carefully and turning to look Harriet full in the face.

"We, that is Ron and I, were thinking that we don't know how we will pass our OWLs with Umbridge making us stick to theory. What we need is a teacher, a real teacher."

Harriet watched in confusion as Hermione elbowed Ron sharply in the ribs.

"Yeah" Harriet agreed "Umbridge is complete garbage."

"Erm, yeah" Ron muttered without meeting her eyes.

"I mean we can never feel safe from Voldemort if we don't learn how to defend ourselves." Hermione continued.

Harriet frowned. She wasn't sure where Hermione was going with this, but if it was making Ron uncomfortable then it was sure to be something she didn't like.

"Do you reckon we should petition Dumbledore to get rid of Umbridge?" Harriet asked, hazarding a guess.

Hermione slowed her words patiently, as though talking to a toddler. "Actually Harriet, I was thinking that maybe you could teach us."

"Wait, so you think I should teach Ron and you some defensive spells?" Harriet clarified.

"Well us and a few others" Hermione said quickly.

"I'll think about it."

"Great!" Hermione replied brightly "I'll let the others know."


Hermione gasped as Harriet adjusted her hair before entering the defence against the dark arts classroom. "Harriet, this is a very bad idea."

"But you said it wasn't against school rules."

"Yes - but you shouldn't keep aggravating her. You are really pushing your luck."

"Well it's not like she is going to be less evil if I pretend to play along with her and the ministry. I may as well have some fun with it."

As Harriet entered the room she gave Umbridge a huge smile.

Umbridge's eyes were locked on her, or more specifically on the large pink bow she wore on top of her high ponytail.

"Miss Potter, would you care to explain?"

"Oh you mean this?" Harriet asked while silently casting an engorgio on the bow so it grew larger as she spoke "I've checked the school rules and there are no rules about hair accessories. I must say I have felt inspired recently."

Umbridge pursed her lips.

Harriet could feel an educational decree coming on. Clearly Lavender did too, because she shot Harriet a dirty look.

Harriet could feel Ron beside her shaking with the effort of controlling his laughter.

Umbridge turned to the class and commenced the lesson, doing her best to ignore the open mockery.

However Harriet noted with glee that Umbridge's eyes seemed inextricably drawn back to the top of her head.

Every time Umbridge turned her back on the class Harriet cast an engorgio charm on the bow causing it to grow to comical proportions.

Snickers filled the room and Umbridge's jaw grew tighter and tighter.

Umbridge's eyes scrunched so tightly that they seemed to disappear into her squat face.

Finally the lesson ended without further incident.

"I'll see you tonight, Harriet" Umbridge called softly as she left the classroom.

"Looking forward to it!" Harriet replied in the sweetest voice she could muster.

Harriet Potter 1Where stories live. Discover now