Blunders and blackmail

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When the morning of the match dawned the sky was clear, with only a few docile clouds hovering above the pitch.

At breakfast however, Harriet noticed that Ron was a delicate shade of green. Despite all their practice over break, it seemed that Ron still hadn't overcome his issue with performance anxiety.

Hermione was fussing over Ron, forcing him to eat unwilling bites of toast. Personally this just made Harriet worried that he would puke on the pitch in front of the entire school.
During Angelina's pep talk in the change rooms, Harriet had noticed Ron trying to put his robes on backwards before taking pity on him and helping him.

Fred met her gaze over Ron's shoulder, lifting one concerned brow. Harriet shook her head at him.

Then Hooch was blowing her whistle and both teams were soaring into the sky.

Sure enough, it wasn't long before Malfoy drew up beside Harriet on his broom.
He always seemed to enjoy their time together in the sky. Even though they were in view of the whole school, noone could hear them from up here.

Maybe if he hadn't been her enemy, Harriet would have enjoyed flying with him.



When he spoke again, his smile was a little too wide, putting Harriet instantly on edge. "I've prepared a little surprise for your boyfriend" he drawled.
"Who?" Asked Harriet, confusedly thinking of Snape.
"Weasley" Malfoy replied, his lip curling with the clarification.

Merlin, this could not bode well for Ron.
Harriet sighed aloud "For the last time Malfoy I didn't choose him over you. The day we met on the train you were being a prat."
Draco's smile only widened. "Well then, perhaps we can reach a mutually agreeable solution."

Harriet rolled her eyes. "I'm a bit busy trying to play quidditch right now Malfoy. Maybe you should give it a try."

Malfoy continued as though she hadn't spoken, "Well here's your offer Potter. Go out with me and I'll call off my little surprise for Weasley."

Harriet gaped at him, "Draco you can't blackmail me into going out with you!"

His blue eyes seemed to burn with icy rage. "That your final answer?" He asked, jerking his head towards Ron, who fifty feet below them was hovering in front of the goal posts.

Harriet sighed in annoyance, turning away and scanning the pitch for any sign of gold.

"As you wish" Malfoy sneered before turning to face the Slytherin stand and making a gesture towards them.

Suddenly Harriet could hear the strains of a song building from the green-clad crowd. "Weasley is our King-"

Merlin's balls that song was definitely going to get into Ron's head! There was nothing for it, Harriet would need to find the snitch - and fast.

Taking his hands off his broom, Malfoy mimed conducting the song.

Harriet circled the pitch, frantically searching for any sign of gold. Draco remained close on her tail. Below them, the Slytherin chasers were speeding towards the Gryffindor goalposts. The chorus of the song grew louder until Harriet could make out every word. "-Always lets the quaffle in-"

Ron dived to protect the goal, but Harriet knew what would happen before it did.

The Slytherin crowd cheered as Ron fumbled the quaffle, letting in a goal.

Harriet could hear Malfoy calling out from behind her, his voice distorted by the wind. "Sure you made the right choice? You can still change your mind, Potter. One date and I'll call them off."

If she could just find the snitch-

Suddenly Harriet noticed a flicker of gold hovering just behind George's shoulder.
Harriet turned sharply, pushing her firebolt to its limits as she soared straight towards the snitch.

George, focussed on the bludger he had just pelted across the pitch, didn't notice that Harriet was flying at full speed towards him.
The collision sent them both spinning to the ground.

From where she lay beneath George, Harriet raised her clenched fist to the roar of the crowd.

The wings of the snitch fluttered feebly between her fingers.

She had won the match for Gryffindor!
Now noone would even remember Ron's dismal performance.

"Nice one" George whispered, his lips inches from hers. He grinned before hauling Harriet to her feet and raising her arm to the approving roar of the crowd.

A soft thud on the grass behind her announced Malfoy's arrival.

Harriet turned away, walking towards the change rooms. There was no way that she was going to give Malfoy the satisfaction of acknowledgment.

"Did you like my lyrics Potter?" He called at her retreating back "You like them poor, dont you Potter? Fancy getting hitched to one of them and living in their hovel yourself one day? There's plenty of choice."

Harriet was not aware of the moment that she decided to turn around and run towards Malfoy.

Draco hadn't expected her attack and when Harriet slammed into him, he went sprawling on the grass.

Harriet sank a first into his stomach, with the snitch still struggling in her hand.
She wasn't sure when he had joined her, but beside her George was raining kicks on Malfoy.


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