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"Someone has definitely told Umbridge about the meeting at the Hog's Head." Harriet hissed as they hurried away from the Educational decree posted on the Gryffindor notice board.

"Trust me, if they did we'd know" Hermione grumbled.

"What do you mean?" Asked Ron

Hermione's eyes were uncharacteristically sly as she replied "Let's just say, there would be signs."

"Well I guess that's it then" Harriet said. She found herself simultaneously relieved and disappointed to not be teaching the group.

To her surprise, Hermione's jaw was set. "We will do it anyway."

"But it's against the rules!" Harriet exclaimed in a shocked whisper.

Hermione shrugged "we'll just have to find a place where we can all practice together in secret."

Ron snorted "oh right. That'll be easy then."

They took seats at the great hall, where the student body was abuzz with talk about the new educational decree.

Fred and George dropped into seats across from Hermione and Harriet.

"Heads up Potter, you might want to avoid Angelina for a bit. She's pretty mad that the Griffindor quidditch team has been dissolved."

Harriet's spoon clattered to the floor. "What?"

She reached under the table to pick up the fork which was next to George's leg.

As she scrambled to pick it up, her hand brushed the bare stretch of ankle between his shoe and the bottom of his pants.

When she sat upright again he was grinning at her. He had clearly thought that the touch had been purposeful.

Hermione was matter of fact "I wouldn't worry about it too much. She'll never be able to get away with dissolving quidditch teams. There would be too much community outrage. The Ministry would have to back down."

Suddenly Harriet felt the brush of a leg against hers under the table.

Oh Merlin. What had she gotten herself into?

"Besides" Hermione added placatingly "term break is coming up soon, so it is not going to have an immediate impact. Also, it will give everyone a chance to regroup before next term starts."

"Speaking of break," George said with a grin "I heard we will all be staying over at Order Headquarters."

"Yeah" Ron replied through a mouthful of bacon "even Charlie is coming down to visit."

Harriet choked on her spoon of yoghurt and Hermione patted her on the back while eyeing her shrewdly.

Merlin's balls, she would be staying in the same house as George and Charlie. She would just have to avoid them both until she got back to Hogwarts.

Harriet stood up abruptly. "I'll see you in Transfiguration, just remembered I left my homework in the dormitory."

As she left the great hall, she was shoulder slammed by Malfoy. "Watch where you're going Potter."

At the Griffindor table, George rose to his feet, but was quickly yanked down again by Ron.

Somehow Harriet knew that it was going to be a very long day.

Harriet Potter 1Where stories live. Discover now