Into the forest

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When Severus left the room, Harriet was filled with mingled relief and fear. Had Severus received her message? Was he alerting the order? But what if he hadn't? It was a risk that Harriet wasn't willing to take while Sirius' life hung in the balance.

Harriet was brought back to the present by the feeling of Umbridge's wand, pressed hard into her ribs.

"Well Potter, I may not have veritaserum but a dose of cruciatus ought to loosen your tongue, just as effectively" Umbridge said, her voice quickening with excitement. She glanced Harriet up and down as though deciding where to begin.

"Please, just tell her Harriet! It's not worth it" Hermione cried.

For a moment Harriet was stunned into silence by this uncharacteristic outburst from Hermione. The others seemed similarly confused.

"Please, I'll tell you everything" Hermione sobbed. "We've been trying to contact Dumbledore to tell him we've finished making the weapon!"

"What weapon? Take me to it!" Umbridge demanded greedily. "You stay here and make sure those lot don't go anywhere." She said to a sour faced Malfoy, before turning back to Hermione and Harriet, "You two are going to take me to the weapon."

Harriet walked slightly behind Hermione, doing her best not to betray her surprise when Hermione led them out of the castle and towards to forbidden forest. Harriet wasn't sure what Hermione's plan was, but Harriet couldn't think of a single occasion she had been in the forest when her life had not been in danger.
Fleetingly, her promise to Severus crossed her mind.

Hermione wound noisily through the underbrush before adding to Umbridge loudly "it's a bit further in!"

An arrow flew through the air, landing with a thud on the tree behind Harriet's head. Severus was going to be so angry. Umbridge gave a scream before pushing Harriet in front of her like a shield.

A chestnut centaur was walking towards them with an arrow pointed straight at them. "Who are you?" A group of around fifty centaurs formed a circle around them.

"I am a ministry official and I do not answer to filthy halfbreeds such as yourself!" Umbridge shrieked, raising her wand towards the centaur. "Incarcerous!" Long ropes wrapped around the chest of the chestnut centaur.

Another centaur charged and Harriet grabbed Hermione and pulled her to the ground.

When Harriet looked up she saw Umbridge flailing in the centaur's grip. The other centaurs now turned to Harriet and Hermione.

A gray centaur stepped towards them. "Luckily for you we do not harm foals." He raised his arm in a gesture and the centaurs turned away, leaving them alone in the forest.

"Great plan" Harriet snapped "now we're in the middle of the forest without wands or transport. When I was in Umbridge's fireplace Sirius wasn't there and Kreacher confirmed that he went to the department of mysteries. By the time we get to Sirius-"

"We were wondering that too" came a familiar voice from behind her. Ron, Neville and Ginny emerged from the trees.

"How'd you get away?" Harriet asked.

"A couple of stunning charms and one amazing bat bogey hex" Neville said, turning to smile at Ginny. "We saw you through the window and followed."

"Well how are we getting to London?" Ginny asked.

"We'll fly of course" Luna said vaguely "on them."

Harriet whirled around to see a few thestrals standing behind them. Luna and Harriet helped the others to mount before climbing onto their own.

From the back of her thestral Harriet cleared her throat "erm take us to the Ministry of magic, please?"

Then suddenly the thestrals were shooting into the sky.

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