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Her week of detentions with Umbridge had finally finished and Harriet's hand now shook non stop.

After dinner, Harriet sunk into her favourite armchair in the common room between Hermione and Ron.

Finally, a moment to relax.

To Harriet's surprise, Hermione met her arrival with a frown. "Shouldn't you be in Occlumency, five minutes ago?"

Without another word Harriet pelted out of the portrait hole.

By the time Harriet arrived at the dungeons she was at least 10 minutes late.

Harriet burst through the doorway to find Snape seated at the teacher's desk.

He raised an arm, running a hand through his dark locks. Harriet couldn't help but notice how it left his hair slightly tousled.

Tonight he wasn't wearing outer robes and the sleeves of his Oxford shirt were rolled to the elbow exposing corded forearms doubtless from years of stirring potions.

He stood slowly before stalking toward her.

"Do you have a habit of coming late, Miss Potter?"

"Better than coming early, like you do I expect" Harriet fired back.

To her immense surprise, instead of looking angry, his answering smile was dark and dangerous.

"Potter, the day you cease operating on assumptions will be the day that you start doing better in my classes. As I have yet to have the opportunity to disabuse you of the notion, you are hardly in any position to hazard a guess about my ability to time my arrivals with care."

Goosebumps spread across Harriet's arms. Sweet Merlin. Harriet was starting to suspect that her sassy mouth had met its match.

His words in that dark baritone circled in her head. Merlin's beard! What is wrong with me?

Also, did he say 'yet'?

Harriet stepped forward and tilted her chin upwards, a dare "I don't believe you."

One dark eyebrow rose "is that a challenge, Miss Potter?"

A small voice in the back of her head that sounded suspiciously like Hermione begged her to shut up and stop digging herself into a deeper hole.

Luckily he struck before she had the chance.


Harriet was under her invisibility cloak in the luggage rack.

"Petrificus totalus!"

Harriet was helpless as she tumbled onto floor of the carriage on the Hogwarts Express.

He stomped hard on her face.

Harriet felt excruciating pain as her nose broke under Malfoy's boot. She could feel blood pouring down her face from her nose but she couldn't move. Malfoy lowered himself to his knees and bent over her so his face was inches from hers.

She felt his breath against her face as he spoke "Nice to see you Potter. It's so hard to get you alone. Sorry about your pretty little nose but I need to keep up appearances. Besides, you broke my heart so let's call it even."

He lowered his lips to hers and his hot tongue plundered her mouth.

When he drew back his lips were smeared with her blood. His eyes remained locked on hers as he licked the blood from his lips and grinned before throwing the invisibility cloak back over her paralysed form.

"See you around, Potter."

Her ears filled with buzzing and she felt her knees give way beneath her.

Snape's strong arms encircled her, keeping her partially upright, slumped against his chest.

"Potter! Can you hear me? Harriet?"

She could hear Snape but she could not get her mouth to open in reply.

Slowly, she opened her eyelids a fraction.

Merlin's balls! Her lip gloss was now smeared across the front of his white shirt. How embarrassing. She would just have to vanish it non-verbally and hopefully he would be none the wiser.


His chest rumbled beneath her cheek as he spoke.

His tone bordered on a purr.

"I can see that you are feeling improved, Potter."

Sweet Merlin's ballsack!

She realised that her cheek now rested directly on the firm planes of his bare chest and one of her palms was splayed across his abs while the other clasped his broad back.

She had accidentally vanished his whole shirt instead of just the lip gloss!

Her thumb moved of its own accord, tracing his skin.

"I will admit I am intrigued. What did you have planned next, Potter? Vanish my pants non-verbally and blame it on Peeves? Did you perhaps forget that I am a legillimens?"

This time Harriet wisely kept her mouth firmly closed.

"If you are ready to continue?"


Harriet quickly removed her face from his bare chest which she noted was now also marked with her lip gloss.

She took a step back quickly. She was probably still too close, but the desk at her back prevented her from retreating further.

Her eyes seemed to be operating independently from her brain, Harriet found herself unable to drag them upward to his face.

"Aren't - aren't you going to put a shirt on?"

"And where do you suggest I get another shirt?"

"Your room?"

"I'm starting to notice a common theme here Potter, first you vanish my shirt, then you suggest a visit to my room."

Harriet's face burned with embarrassment "I- what no, that's not what -"

Harriet forced her unwilling eyes to leave his marble chest and meet his dark gaze.

"Professor, I'm exhausted, can I please go?"

"We were just getting started, but since you fainted earlier, I will allow you this reprieve."

Harriet turned to the door quickly before he could change his mind.

His deep voice stopped her when she reached the door.

"Potter, if want to be able to keep up with me you will need to work on your stamina."

Don't reply. Don't reply.

"Sweet dreams, Professor."

Harriet Potter 1Where stories live. Discover now