I can explain

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His glance was cool and assessing as it met hers.
"Would you like me to remove the blankets from the lower half of my person, to afford you a better view?"
"I can explain!" Harriet replied hurriedly, dropping the blanket and stepping away from the bed.
When he replied, his voice was dangerously soft "Go on then, Potter. I'm intrigued."
He threw back the blankets before rising to his feet wearing nothing but sweatpants.

"I had another dream," Harriet replied hurriedly, over the nervous thump of her chest, "but this time you were attacked by the snake. I just wanted to check, to make sure it wasn't true."

He stepped toward her as he spoke again, "If I had been attacked by a snake, surely you would have heard something" he pointed out silkily.

"I-I hadn't thought of that" Harriet replied lamely.

He stepped toward her again, and Harriet stepped back.
"So instead of merely knocking on my door and asking if I had in fact been attacked by a snake, you sneak into my bedroom to observe my person while I am asleep?" He asked, doubt staining every word.
She hadn't been thinking straight. "I wasn't thinking straight."
He stretched his arms wide, before turning slowly before her, "as you can see I am well and whole."
Even now as her glance roved his bare chest and arms, Harriet felt the urge to sink her teeth into his flesh.
"Are you, satisfied, now Potter?"

Harriet's cheeks flooded with heat. "But are you sure I'm not being possessed Professor? It's just that, I had the urge to attack you just then." In the dark, she hoped he would not see her shame.
Snape chucked darkly, seeming to think for a moment before he spoke,
To Harriet's surprise, he extended a single corded arm towards her.
"Well, go on then."
Harriet was stunned into silence, staring at him in disbelief.
"Let's find out if you are a snake then, shall we?" He continued "Only one way to be certain."

When Harriet didn't move, he moved closer. "We are currently in the middle of Order headquarters surrounded by skilled witches and wizards. Doubtless if you do savage my arm, someone will hear and come to my aid before you manage to devour me completely."

Harriet's eyes darted to the arm before her.
"Something the matter, Potter?" She could hear the mocking smirk in his words.

Taking his arm, Harriet sank her teeth into it. Was the fact that it felt so good a sign that she was the snake?

Lowering his arm from her mouth, Harriet passed a tentative thumb over the mark left by her teeth, the imprint of human teeth on pale unbroken skin. He groaned at her touch.

Harriet took a step back and her back hit the wall.

He rested a lazy arm on the wall above her head as he looked down at her.
"Are you satisfied, Potter? Are you now certain that you are not a snake?"

For a moment Harriet felt incredibly stupid.

Her words came out in a rush, as though needing to fill the silence. "Are you sure I'm not being possessed? I mean if I'm not the snake, then why do you think I had the urge to bite you? Was it an aftereffect of the dream?"
His words were slow "Perhaps, but I expect not"

It was hard to think at the moment, especially when he was towering her like that. "What do you mean?"

"If I may?"

Harriet nodded.

Gripping her hair Snape pulled Harriet's head to the side, exposing her neck. Harriet bit back a moan as his mouth hovered over her skin, his breath coasting her throat.

His free hand moved to slide the strap of her chemise off her shoulder, baring it to him.

Harriet gasped as his teeth sank into the point where her shoulder met her neck. He pressed a slow kiss to the spot before drawing back, breathing hard.

"Get to bed Harriet. Now."

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