Dreams and nightmares

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When they entered the ministry, the usually bustling halls were unnaturally silent and the security wizard was nowhere to be seen. Even the lift had been devoid of people.

Harriet had a bad feeling growing in her stomach as they passed through the empty halls unimpeded.

After months of dreaming, Harriet knew exactly where to go. She led the group from corridor to corridor passing doors until at last she spied a familiar silver knob. Shivers went down Harriet's spine. She knew that this was the right door.

When the door swung open soundlessly, Harriet urged them forward "it's this way." The cathedral-like room was filled with shelves and shelves of dusty glass orbs.

"You said it was row 97" Hermione reminded her as the group wove between shelves, searching for Sirius.

The room was silent and unmoving. "Harri" Hermione spoke again "I don't think he's here."

Harriet's heart seemed to sink to her stomach. He had to be here somewhere! They just needed to look-

"Harri, have you seen this?" Ron called from a few shelves away "it has your name on it."

Harriet strode to where Ron stood peering up at a glass sphere. She stood on tiptoe to read the inscription 'The Dark lord and (?) Harriet Potter'.

"Harriet I don't think you should touch it" Hermione said warningly.

"But it's got my name on it," Harriet said recklessly, reaching toward the sphere like it was the snitch.

The dusty ball felt warm in her palm as she lowered it from the shelf.

Then a voice, the distorted echo of one she knew well, spoke from right behind where they stood. "Good girl Potter. Now turn around nice and slowly and give it to me."

Black shapes emerged from thin air around them blocking all exits, eyes gleamed from behind dark masks. A dozen wand tips pointed straight at each of their chests.

Lucius Malfoy's voice was a seductive caress in the eerie silence "show me what a good girl you can be, Potter and give me the prophecy."

Harriet's heart hammered in her chest "Where is Sirius?"

Several of the death eaters around them laughed. A woman's harsh voice spoke from behind one of the masks "it looks like little baby Potter had a dream and thought it was true."

Harriet reached for her wand with her free hand and the woman laughed "look at her reaching for her wand as though she plans to fight us."

"Oh you don't know her like I do, Bellatrix" Lucius purred,  "Nothing gets her off quite as well as a bit of danger."

Harriet's cheeks burned "I know Sirius is here!"

"It is time that you learn the difference between dreams and reality, Potter." Lucius replied softly "Now be a good girl and give me the prophecy, or we start using wands."

Harriet's heart sank like a stone, if Sirius really wasn't here she had put all of her friends into danger for nothing. She had promised Severus-

"Now!" Harriet bellowed and curses flew in five different directions, exploding the shelves that they hit.

Harriet and her friends sprinted away from the death eaters in different directions. Spheres all around them exploded into glass splinters as spells shot past them.

Harriet and Neville ran out through the door into the corridor outside. She could hear the steps of death eaters behind them as they slammed the door shut.

"Where are the others?" Harriet asked Neville urgently.

"Hermione's unconscious, Ginny broke an ankle, Luna's with her, and Ron was hit by a spell and he's gone kind of...funny."

The door handle behind them turned and Harriet and Neville ran toward the closest door at random. Harriet held her breath as she twisted the knob and ran straight into the room within.

Harriet tumbled, falling down stone steps until she lay at the bottom of a sunken pit. With a sinking feeling Harriet realised that prophecy now lay smashed on the ground beside her.

Lucius descended the steps until he stood towering over her. Breathing heavily he removed his mask, turning his jarringly familiar blue gaze upon Harriet. "It's over Potter. Now hand me the prophecy like a good girl."

Harriet scrambled to her feet and turned to run.

Within seconds Lucius' arms were wrapped around her from behind, with one hand resting on her throat as Harriet struggled against his savage embrace. His lips grazed the shell of her ear as he growled directly into her ear "Give it to me."

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