Made to be

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The next morning, Harriet stood unmoving in front of the educational decree in the common room. It seemed that Umbridge had now appointed herself headmistress of Hogwarts. What would Severus say? She smiled as she pictured him delivering a sarcastic jibe. Harriet had been tempted to visit him immediately after the events of the night before, but figured it would be ill advised to be caught in another room she wasn't supposed to be in, during the same night.

Fred and George pulled up on either side of her, pausing to read the decree. To Harriet's surprise, the twins shared a slow smile. "I reckon we should give our new headmistress a proper welcome" George said. "She deserves to start with a bang" Fred agreed.

Harriet was in charms when the first sounds of explosions went off. She smiled with immediate understanding. She'd heard that sound before- in the twins' shop. Firecrackers exploded everywhere she looked and a huge dragon made of golden sparks flew low over the students.

In the chaos, Harriet slipped down the hall, and behind a door hidden by a tapestry, where she found Fred and George grinning from ear to ear as they listened to Umbridge's panicked yells.

The three of them shook with suppressed mirth. "That was brilliant" Harriet managed at last in a low whisper.

"The show isn't over yet, Potter. We have more of them hidden around the castle with timers set to go off once we've left the premises" George replied.

To her surprise Fred's gaze turned serious, "We'll miss you Harri."

"You can owl us any time" George added.

Harriet felt a pang in her chest at the thought of her friends leaving, but she understood. They were destined for greater things.

After a last group hug, the three of them slipped out from behind the tapestry.

Harriet watched with mingled sadness and pride as the twins strode behind Umbridge, to address the forming crowd.

George cleared his throat in a perfect imitation of their new headmistress. "Hem, hem, hem."

Harriet used the moment of distraction to slip unnoticed into the growing audience.

Umbridge turned to face the twins, her sooty face twisted with fury as she pointed an accusing stubby finger at them. "It was you two!"

Both twins took a deep bow which was greeted with cheers by the gathered students. Harriet could have sworn she saw McGonnagall give an approving nod.

"I'm going to expel you both!" Umbridge shouted with an unhinged laugh.

The twins shared a glance before George spoke, "You know what? I think we've outgrown full time school."

"Time for us to test our talents in the real world" Fred added. Then they raised their wands in unison. "Accio brooms!"

"If anyone fancies buying a basic blaze set, you can find us at 93 Diagon Alley" George called to the cheering students below, before they both flew out of the castle.


"I can see why you are friends with them" Snape conceded that evening. Harriet beamed at this rare praise. "-The twins are also prone to acts of incredible..." Harriet shot him a warning look. "Daring" he finished smoothly.

"Severus," since Dumbledore had left the castle, the seriousness of the war ahead seemed to dawn on Harriet in a new way. Harriet wasn't quite sure how to say what she had been thinking. "If Voldemort finds out about this, about us-"

Snape cupped her face in a familiar calloused palm. "I won't let it happen" he replied forcefully.

"I know- but if he does..."

"Then we are both dead. Maybe worse than dead in my case" He replied simply.

Harriet's heart lurched in her chest. She couldn't bear the thought of him being in danger. A small voice at the back of her head wondered if he would be safer without her, suggesting she was selfish for trying to keep him. But when she looked into his obsidian gaze, the rash part of herself thought that it was worth the risk. She would risk it all for a moment in his arms.

Harriet knew from the intensity of his gaze that he must have been thinking the same thing.

"Harriet, I need you to promise me something."

Her heart fluttered like a bird in her chest. She would promise this man anything in a heartbeat.

"If you are ever in danger, do not fight. Promise me that you will run."

Harriet frowned "well I don't -"

Snape's face was grim and drawn, his usual sarcastic edge gone. His eyes had the desperate, insistent look of a condemned man. "If this is going to work between us, I need to know that I can count on you not to put us both into danger with your recklessness."

"I am not reckless!" Harriet exclaimed hotly before thinking.

He raised one dark brow, wordlessly indicating that she had just proved his point.

Well, she supposed he had a point there.

"Do you want this?" He asked.

"Yes" Harriet breathed, "more than anything."

"Then if we are going to take this risk, I need to know that I can trust you not to run headfirst into danger, Harriet."

She would do anything for him, anything at all.

"I promise."

When his mouth met hers it was tender, softer than the heated kisses they had shared before.

He growled, sinking his teeth into her neck, and for a moment Harriet could have sworn it sounded like a word.


Somewhere in the distance, another firework exploded into life.

Harriet Potter 1Where stories live. Discover now