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"Hermione that was an ambush! You did not tell me that so many people would be there!" Harriet seethed.

Hermione however beamed unapologetically "don't you understand? People are going to start believing you Harriet."

"Well if they are stupid enough to not believe me in the first place I don't want to have to explain what happened to them."

"Beggars can't be choosers, mate" Ron said quickly in agreement with Hermione. Well look who had changed his tune!

"I thought it was -"

George jogged to catch up with them. Harriet caught Ron and Hermione sharing a glance.

"See you at the three broomsticks!" Hermione said before she and Ron hurried away, leaving her alone with George.

His hazel eyes glinted as he took her in.

"Hey, you did really well back there."

"Um, thanks."

Since when did things get so weird with George?

"The way you ripped into Zacharias Smith back there was pretty hot."

"Well he deserved it!"

"Remind me to piss you off more often" George grinned.

When he smiled his freckles spread across his cheeks like constellations.

"Shouldn't be too difficult for you" Harriet replied with a smile. "Speaking of, where's Fred?"

"Oh he's with Angelina" George replied with a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows. "Is that a problem?"

"Oh no, it's just -"

His eyes glinted with mirth and his hand brushed hers.

"Now that's just being greedy, Potter" he teased.

Harriet's cheeks burned with heat.

"That's not what I meant!"

"Sure it wasn't." His tone implied that he didn't believe her for a second.

He stopped walking and pulled her around a corner. "Can I give you something?"

"Like a fainting fancy?"

He chuckled as though Harriet had just said something hilarious.

Harriet frowned, unsure of what she was missing here.

His hand rose to cup her chin and he traced a thumb over her jaw.

"You better not be about to put a puking pastille in my mouth" Harriet said warily.

"Don't worry, I can think of much better uses for your mouth."

Harriet frowned and opened her mouth to ask what he meant when Fred popped his head around the corner.

"Am I interrupting?"

George groaned.


Malfoy's wand was at her throat and he walked forwards until her back hit the wall behind the quidditch change rooms where he had caught her alone.

"Don't pretend you don't want this as much as I do Potter. I've seen you watching me."

Harriet was perplexed "Yeah I glare at you, because I hate you."

"There's a fine line between love and hate, Harriet."

For a moment she was shocked into silence. She had never heard her first name on his lips before.

He smirked knowingly "you like that do you..Harriet?"

His mouth met hers with unexpected force. He groaned, grinding into her.

The bricks dug into her back through her robes.

She whimpered instinctively as the pain mingled with the sensation of him against her.

The wetness between her legs grew when he nipped her bottom lip with his teeth.

His hand lowered to cup her ass.

She gasped and tried to pull away but he pushed his wand harder into her throat.

His hand moved to the buttons of her blouse hastily undoing them.

He took her hand in his and guided it to cup his hard cock through his pants. For a moment she felt powerful as she felt the effect she had on him.

"I need to get you out of my system."

Oh no. No no no.

"Protego!" Harriet screamed.

Suddenly the images changed.

A teenage boy with dark hair lay in his bed while an argument raged outside his door.

A tall man with a belt in his hand approached a cowering boy.

He was scribbling on a heart shaped card 'Dear-'

Snape stood panting and was hunched over a desk, unable to meet her eyes.

When he did turn to face her his eyes caught hers and wouldn't leave them.

The expression in his dark eyes was unreadable.

Finally he spoke "Well using a shield was certainly effective, but I would like you to try to resist without your wand, Potter. If the Dark Lord attacks your mind it is unlikely that he will give you advance notice."

Harriet felt a momentary surge of satisfaction that she had given him a taste of his own medicine, even if it was only brief.

"You may go."

Harriet pressed her advantage "Is something the matter Professor? Usually you like to keep at it for hours."

To her shock his calloused hand reached out and grasped her wrist.

His words were filled with quiet tension. "On a better day perhaps, but not tonight."

His thumb traced over the sensitive skin on her wrist.

Harriet pulled her wrist from his grasp hurriedly, unnerved by the way that his touch sent a frisson through her.

"Goodnight Professor."

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