Twins property

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Thanks so much to those readers who comment. I love hearing your reactions to different parts of the story!

When Harriet returned to her room she dressed with care. It was never a good idea to dwell on dreams.

Today she was going to live.

Harriet hesitated before putting on a red backless midi dress and gold heels that were charmed not to hurt. One of the most useful things Hermione had ever taught her.

That and expelliarmous.

She crossed the hall and burst into the room Fred and George were sharing, ready for a day out.

When she entered the room Harriet froze.

Sweet Merlin.

It appeared that the twins were still dressing.

She turned away quickly, shielding her eyes "whoops I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! I should have knocked!"

"There's no need to pretend with us Harriet" Fred replied.

Through the cracks in her fingers, Harriet was ninety percent sure that he was grinning.

"We know you too well for that Potter" George added "go on, you can look. We know you want to."

Her cheeks reddened further, but she lowered her hands and turned back to face them as Fred continued to pull on his jeans and George threw on a t-shirt while she watched.

Two teasing pairs of hazel eyes met hers as she watched them. She could have sworn they slowed down their movements as they continued to dress.

Was it really necessary for Fred to move his hips like that to get his pants on?

"Are you ready to go?" George asked, at last fully clothed.

"Hmm? Oh. Yeah."

Fred stepped towards her, into her space. "We'll apparate."

Fred slipped an arm around her waist and Harriet could feel his thick bicep against her bare back.

He grinned "you'll need to hold on tight Harriet. I'll do my best to make it comfortable for you, but I can't promise that the ride will be smooth."

Gingerly, Harriet wrapped both of her arms around his neck and he drew her closer so their bodies were pressed together tightly.


The air rushed around them and Harriet felt a wave of dizziness. She clung to Fred hard, her fingers grasping his t-shirt for dear life.

The movement stopped but Harriet still felt dizzy.

George pressed a sweet between Harriet's startled lips. "This will help. Something we've been working on for those who get apparation sick."

Almost at once the dizziness dissipated.

Fred and George led her down a narrow street past a number of storefronts.

At last, George's arm raised in a wave.

A small man in purple top hat greeted them from an open doorway "hello, hello gentleman," "and lady. You didn't tell me you were bringing anyone."

"Smithy, meet our girlfriend" Fred said with a wink.

Harriet tilted her head, doing her best to make her curtain bangs cover her scar.

"Pleased to meet you."

"Which one of yours is she?" Smithy asked, glancing from Fred to George in turn.

"Both of ours" they replied in unison with matching grins.

They both slipped an arm around Harriet's waist from each side. Harriet suppressed the urge to laugh.

Oh, if they wanted to play, she would play.

She slipped a returning arm around each of them "perhaps we should come inside now?"

"My dear, you need to calm down" Fred said with a wicked glance at Harriet.

"You have already said that twice today" George added.

Harriet's cheeks burned. She was going to kill them!

Smithy stepped aside, motioning them through the door of a small shop. "It's a bit small, but there's plenty of storage space in the back and the neighbourhood has been growing recently. Have a look around."

Harriet paced the store before drifting to to open window that looked out over the street.

Two arms circled her from behind as George leaned against her.

"Well what do you think?"

It was hard to think anything just at that moment.

"Well I um have to admit that I don't have any experience. This is my first time looking at properties of any kind."

"It's your first time! You should've mentioned that earlier, we would have made it extra special for you."

Fred slid in beside them "we're honoured to be your first."

Behind them Smithy cleared his throat "sorry to interrupt but we're on a schedule. Are you ready to see the next place?"

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