Scrambled eggs

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Harriet glanced up at the foreboding clouds that hovered above the Great Hall, as she mindlessly shovelled scrambled eggs into her mouth.

Hermione had taken to fussing over Ron, trying to get him to eat.

Harriet glimpsed Angelina looking on with concern.

In the locker rooms, the mood was grim, matching the sky.

As they lined up on the pitch, thunder rolled in the distance and Harriet shared a glance with George over Ron's head. Fred's pinkie brushed hers in silent solidarity.

There was nothing to be done for it, she supposed.

Then the whistle blew and all the players were streaking into the dark sky.

Harriet lapped the field slowly, scanning for any hint of gold.

It wasn't long until Draco drew up beside her.
"No one but us up here, Potter."

"Not now, Malfoy" she sighed, avoiding his sharp blue gaze.

His voice, while demanding as ever, had lost its lazy lilt. "If not now, then when, Potter?"

"Malfoy, you're on the other side remember."

Harriet leaned forward on her broom, shooting towards the other end of the field.
When Malfoy followed, she led him on a chase through the darkened clouds.
Draco could fly, she'd give him that.

But not as well as her.

She was vaguely aware of Lee Jordan's voice keeping score.

She would need to find the snitch soon she thought as rain drops began to dampen her robes.

Soon the rain was pouring down and Harriet could barely hear Lee Jordan's voice above the downpour. Harriet could barely see anything either as she scanned the pitch.

Then suddenly, what was that by Ron's ankle?

Harriet dove towards the golden hoops dodging between chasers towards Ron, Draco hot on her heels.

It was the snitch!

Harriet leaned forward, reaching out a hand -


In the darkness she felt him hold her hand.

His fingers squeezed hers, before leaving them to stroke her hair.

Warm lips pressed against her temple.

For a moment she felt him hesitate, lips hovering over her own, before drawing away.

She wanted him back.
She needed him to stay.

She tried to call for him, but she found she could not speak in this darkness.


Harriet was woken by the buzz of voices.

"I think she's awake."

Harriet grudgingly tried to open her eyes which seemed glued shut.

She was greeted by the sight of Fred's pitiful face peering down at her.

"I'm so sorry Harri, I didn't see the bludger until too late and-"

Harriet waved away his apologies "I could barely see a thing myself through that rain" she said, her voice coming out in an odd croak.

Harriet glanced around to find George and Hermione seated on her other side. A sudden crunching noise heralded Ginny's arrival as she immediately began to tuck into sweets that had been left for Harriet by well-wishers.

"I got you these," Fred said with a flourish, brandishing an overly bright bouquet towards her.

"Really" Harriet said, embarrassed "that wasn't necessary."

When Fred opened his mouth once more, Ginny cut in between bites of a chocolate frog. "Next time, Fred, make sure the bludger gets me, will you? I could do with a few days off and some flowers and chocolate."

"Where's Ron?"

"Well, he feels very bad about the match you see-" Hermione began.

"We lost, didn't we?" Harriet asked with a groan.

"After the bludger took you out, Malfoy had a clear path to the snitch."

Harriet groaned, before noticing the approach of a tall form.

He looked at the group coldly.

"Leave" he barked.

His gaze was dark as he waited for her friends to say their goodbyes and leave, Ginny taking the rest of the chocolate frogs with her.

When the door clicked shut behind them, he strode to her bedside.

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