Friends and ferrets

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"Well at least you are getting better at occlumency now" Hermione said as they sat together in the common room.

The truth was, Harriet hadn't shown any improvement, but had explained the increased frequency of her private lessons over the past few weeks as being due to a 'breakthrough' in occlumency. Well she wasn't exactly lying, Harriet supposed guiltily.

Ron unfortunately, was at quidditch practice again and not available to rescue her from another study session with Hermione. Angelina had replaced Harriet and the twins and seemed to be making the Gryffindor quidditch team practice almost daily to improve their performance. This had unfortunately made it very difficult to schedule DA lessons.

Hermione's tone became dangerously causal as she glanced up from her open textbook, "Harriet, you know the Hogsmeade visit tomorrow, can you meet me at the three broomsticks around 12?"

Harriet frowned "oh but I promised Fred and George that I'd be spending the day with them."

"Oh" Hermione replied "well, I know it's a um, special day, but it's actually quite important. You can bring them along if you like."

"Yeah, alright" Harriet agreed.


Harriet glanced at the clock from her position in the line for Hogsmeade. The twins were running late and she had nearly reached the front of the queue.

Harriet was just considering whether to leave the line, when a familiar sound broke through her thoughts.


Oh for Merlin's sake. This could not be happening right now.

Harriet continued to stare straight ahead, feigning deafness.

"Hey Potter!" His voice sounded closer than before. Harriet heard a third year squeal as Draco pushed her out of his way. "Going to Hogsmeade alone on Valentine's because you couldn't find a date?"

"Sorry to keep you waiting my dear" George said sliding in beside Harriet without warning, "what've we missed?"

"Happy Valentine's day Harriet" Fred murmured from her other side. Fred pressed a kiss to her cheek before jerking his head towards Malfoy, "is that ferret bothering you?"
"Need us to take care of him?" George offered with a wicked grin.

Fred cast a surreptitious tripping jinx and the people around them laughed as Malfoy fell on the ground.

Malfoy's ears were red as he scrambled to his feet "Just you wait till my father hears about this-"

Harriet took a step towards Malfoy, laying a gentle hand upon his lapel, before using it to pull his face closer to hers, so she wouldn't have to raise her voice. "Let me know when he visits and I'll tell your daddy myself" she replied with a slow wink.

George slid an arm around Harriet's waist, turning her to the door "Come on Harri, hasn't anyone told you that it's rude to keep your dates waiting?" and with that, the twins were leading her out of the Great Hall, towards Hogsmeade.

"So where do you want to go first?" Harriet asked, as they strode down the cobblestone street, away from the castle.

"We were actually planning to take you somewhere else for the day, Potter. Thought a change of scene might do you some good" Fred replied.

"Is it far? I promised Hermione that I'd meet her at the three broomsticks later" Harriet remembered.

"It's a surprise" George added with a wiggle of his eyebrows, upon which Fred slipped his hand into hers, entwining her fingers with his own. "Ready Harri?′
And with a crack! they were gone.

When Harriet opened her eyes, she found herself looking up at the darkened facade of a familiar building. The windows of the shop were covered by sheets revealing nothing of what lay within.

"We wanted to show you what we've been working on" Fred said, as George fitted a key into the door. "After, you Harri."

When Harriet stepped into the store, she felt like she had stepped into another world. She could barely believe that this was the same empty shop she had viewed with the twins just months ago.

"You two have been very busy" Harriet breathed as she took in her surroundings.

The shop, though empty of people, was bursting with colour and the sound of whirring, whistling, snarling, exploding creations.

"You are going to be a raging success" Harriet commented, awed.

George slid an arm around her waist. "You think so, Potter?"
Harriet smiled "I know so."

"Oh wait till you see the dream chews display" Fred said excitedly, dragging her across the store, between aisles of products.

Harriet smiled as she spent a morning testing the twins' inventions until they were all in tears of laughter over the results. "You know what, this did make me feel better," she sighed happily.

"C'mon" George replied "we better get you to The Three Broomsticks or you'll be late for your second date. It would take a braver man than myself to keep Hermione waiting."

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