Bump in the night

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His dark cloak fluttered around him as he approached her bedside in long strides.

This was the first time Harriet had seen Snape since he kissed her during their last Occlumency lesson in an effort to shut her sassy mouth. To surprise, his face lacked its usual coldness.

Without his usual cruel edge he just looked tired and worn. Was his usual cruelty and sarcasm just a mask?

When at last he spoke, his dark voice was oddly muted, devoid of his usual sarcastic edge. "Bend forward for me."

So he wanted to pick up where they had left off then? Well alright.

Being in the hospital wing, Harriet had not been prepared for this command, but was nevertheless quick to comply.

"Just your head, Potter" he added dryly.

Harriet's cheeks burned as she leaned backwards. With her head tilted downwards, she was glad that he could not see the embarrassment in her features.

He parted her long hair with firm hands, allowing him to see the bump. His touch was surprisingly tender.

So much had passed between them. Harriet wanted to acknowledge it, but wasn't sure how.

Where was her tongue when she needed it for merlin's sake!

"Your bump is looking a lot better than the last time I saw it" he said slowly, relief evident in his tone.

So he had visited her while she was unconscious then. Did that mean he cared?

He slowly unscrewed the lid from a jar of salve with practiced hands. How many times had he done this while she was unconscious?

His touch was surprisingly gentle as he drew her head against his chest to stabilise it. For a moment Harriet reveled in the feel of his warm chest beneath her cheek. She closed her eyes, breathing in the scent of parchment and herbs that lingered on his robes.

Beneath her head, his chest rumbled as he spoke "Be still, this may hurt a little."

Harriet hissed at the initial sting of the salve on her scalp.

"Who knew that all it would take to defeat the chosen one could would be one knock on the head with a bludger?" he said at last, with a hint of his usual mockery.

"Yeah, well maybe you should tell that to your pal Voldemort so that our final match is a quidditch one" Harriet replied.

He merely smirked in response to her comment as he slowly screwed the lid back onto the jar of salve.

He is going to leave! Say anything!

"uh, Professor-" Harriet began.

"I'll see you in class Potter" he replied firmly, a dismissal.

Pocketing the salve, he strode to the door. As he reached the doorway he paused, turning back to meet Harriet's gaze.

"and Potter, next time watch where you are going"

Harriet opened her mouth in consternation. She was a great flier thanks! visibility had been terrible! she was barely able to see a thing through that rain! and that bludger had come from behind-

"cracking your head open is my job, Harriet" he added dryly, before turning and walking through the doorway.

"Tell that to Goyle!" she called after him, but received no response.

The mood in Gryffindor tower was low when Hariet entered the common room some time later. Her fellow Gryffindors were giving her a wide berth and shooting her dirty looks. Clearly they blamed her for losing the match against Slytherin. If this was the Gryffindor reaction, Harriet dreaded seeing Malfoy's reaction in the Great Hall at mealtimes.

Glancing up from her book to see Harriet's arrival, Hermione gave her a welcoming smile. "Oh Harriet, thank Merlin you're back!"

Well at least someone was glad to see her.

"Now we can revise for our OWLs together!"

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