Punishment and propositions

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When Harriet, Fred and George returned to the common room Angelina alone was waiting up for them. It appeared that the rest of the Gryffindors had wisely collectively chosen to have an early night.

The three of them took a seat on the sofa opposite from her, ready for a second dressing down from their former captain.

Harriet remained silent as Fred and George explained the full extent of Umbridge's punishment to Angelina.

"A lifetime quidditch ban" Angelina repeated hollowly "we've lost our seeker and both beaters in the middle of the quidditch cup. And Fred wasn't even involved."

"Well that's not my fault is it?" Fred said darkly. "If I had my way-"

"And she has confiscated our brooms!" George added. Angelina it seemed, was unconcerned by this aspect of their punishment.

With a pang, Harriet thought of her most prized possession, her firebolt, chained up in Umbridge's office.

Harriet shifted restlessly where she sat between Fred and George on the sofa. She just wanted to go to bed. Maybe she would wake up and it would all have been a dream.

When Angelina eventually left, Fred and George were still muttering curses and plans for revenge.

Harriet thought of her firebolt with a pang.
No amount of revenge would get her firebolt back.

"Don't be sad Harri, let's get even instead." Fred said soothingly.

Harriet nodded noncommittally.
Revenge wouldn't get her firebolt back but all the same, DA was about to get a lot more active.

Fred pushed her head against his firm chest with a gentle hand.

"You can cry if you need to Harriet, it's just us here" he said gently.

She wasn't going to cry! It was just quidditch, and her firebolt-

Even as she shook her head, Harriet felt tears of injustice and rage streaming down her cheeks and soaking through the front of Fred's shirt.

From her other side, George rubbed her back in soothing circles. "Go on Potter, let it all out."

When finally her tears began to slow, Harriet raised her head from Fred's chest with a deep breath.

George raised the hem of the quidditch jersey he still wore to mop the remaing wetness that still stained Harriet's cheeks. Any remaining urge to cry was effectively cured by the sight of George's abs and a reddish happy trail leading-

Noting Harriet's glance with a grin, George spoke in a rush "Well if it cheers you up any Potter, there's a Hogsmeade weekend coming up soonish."

Harriet nodded numbly. How could she enjoy a trip to Hogsmeade when Umbridge had her Firebolt?

"Would you like to spend it with us?" Fred added gently.

"Yeah, sure" Harriet was still to upset to properly appreciate their kind gesture to help cheer her up.

"It's late" she said at last "we should go to bed."

"Propositioning us Potter? A lifetime quidditch ban got you in the mood eh?" George teased.

"Well she must be feeling better if she's asking to go to bed with us, Georgie" Fred added, joining in the teasing.

"It is very late but I'd never say no to a tumble with the chosen one" George added.

To her surprise, Harriet found that was smiling despite herself.

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