An unlikely trio

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When Harriet entered the Three broomsticks, to her surprise she found Hermione seated with an unlikely duo - Rita Skeeter and Luna Lovegood.

When Hermione noticed Harriet, she waved her over with a smile. "I wasn't expecting you yet, I thought you'd still be with the twins."

"Twins" Rita Skeeter said with a twisted smile "you greedy girl, Potter."

"Who Harriet dates is none of your business" Hermione replied coldly, eyeing Rita's acid green quill with distaste.

Hermione turned back to Harriet. "As I was just explaining to Rita, she is going to be writing an article on your account of what happened on the night when Voldemort returned to be published in the Quibbler."

Rita Skeeter looked as though she had just swallowed a cockroach cluster without chewing.

She opened her mouth to object when Hermione continued in a dangerously sweet tone "because if she doesn't I'm going to report her as an unregistered animagus."

Luna smiled serenely as though Hermione hadn't just threatened one of their group. "Daddy will be happy to publish it."

Hermione shot Harriet an encouraging smile. "Fire away Rita."

Reliving the night that Voldemort had returned had been difficult, but Harriet realised how important it was to provide the public an account of what had happened.


"Your friend is a clever girl" Snape had replied later that evening after Harriet had told him about her day "but you are going to be in a lot of trouble when Umbridge finds out." His long fingers ran through her hair, as she laid her head on his bare chest.

Harriet shrugged happily, snuggling in closer "what does a few detentions matter in the scheme of things?"
"Detentions mean less time for our... lessons." He delivered a cruel nip to her wrist "and you still have a lot to learn."

Sure enough, a few weeks later when Harriet's interview was published in the Quibbler, Umbridge had been livid. "There will be no more Hogsmeade visits for you, Miss Potter,' she had said.

Umbridge's subsequent ban of the Quibbler via an educational decree had naturally ensured that every student at Hogwarts read the interview. More and more students were coming forward to tell Harriet that they believed her story, and in their DA lessons, she had been hailed as a hero.

During the detentions that followed, Harriet had gritted her teeth through the pain, reminding herself that a bit of pain was a small price to pay for the safety of the wizarding world.

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