His worst memory

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Harriet turned to the pensieve and hesitated.

At the back of her head she could hear Hermione's sharpest voice telling her not to do it.

But as Ron would say, Snape had been in her head so many times. He had seen so many of her most private moments. What was one memory of his in comparison to everything he had seen?

She swirled her wand tentatively in the pensieve.

Then she was falling.


A bubble of joy filled Harriet's chest as she saw the teenage versions of her parents filing out onto the grass beside the lake after an exam.

In fact all of the marauders were there. Harriet noticed Sirius with a lurch in her chest. Sheesh, he had once been even hotter. How was that even possible?

She eyed Pettigrew closely, but as she watched him, she never would have guessed that he would one day betray his friends.

Snape sat by the edge of the lake with a book, clearly minding his own business.

She watched horror struck as her father pointed his wand at a teenage Snape, and he was jerked into midair by the ankle.

A loud voice rang out clearly from behind them and a stunning redhaired girl with familiar almond shaped green eyes approached.

"Let him down Potter!"

Her mother's heart shaped face was so much like the face that looked back at her from the mirror every day.

Was that what Snape saw when he looked at her?

"Only if you'll go on a date with me."

Lily's eyes narrowed "not a chance. I hate you Potter." For a fleeting second she thought of Malfoy.

James sighed before allowing teenage Snape to crumple into a heap on the ground, "you are lucky Evans was here to save your ass."

"I don't need help from a mudblood" Snape sneered.

Lily's face froze.

In an instant Snape was dangling by the ankle once more. James' face was alight with mockery and fury.

"Who wants to see me take Snivelly's underpants off?"

James grinned at the laughing crowd around them. Heads around them turned to observe the spectacle.

Harriet's heart was in her throat. Her father, who she had idolised for years had actually been just as arrogant and nasty as Snape had always said he was.

All this time she had thought that Snape was the asshole.

She felt sick to her stomach.

Then to her horror James flicked his wand and Snape's greying underpants disappeared.

For a moment she forgot where she was and why.

All she could process was the sight of Snape's monstrous cock.

Merlin's balls it was enormous! If it had been like that when he was a teenager then now it must be -

Suddenly she felt a firm grip on her upper arm and to her horror the fully grown adult Snape stood beside her pale with white cold rage.

"Enjoying yourself?" His voice was laced with ice cold fury.


They were swooping through darkness until Harriet found herself standing in the dungeon once more. His firm grip remained clamped tightly around her upper arm.

"Having fun were you, Potter?"

Harriet gasped "n-no."

"Did you like what you saw, Potter?" He snarled.

"Y-no. No."

"Proud to finally meet your father?"

"N-no I didn't know-"

"He was always such a charmer."

Harriet's cheeks burned with shame. She only wished she could find the words to express how sorry she was.

"Get. Out."

Harriet backed towards the door, unable to tear her eyes from his wrathful face.

"Get Out! I don't ever want to see you in my office again!"

Tears pooled in Harriet's eyes before spilling down her cheeks.

A jar went sailing over her head and smashed on the stone floor behind her.

She turned and darted through the doorway, ducking just in time to avoid another jar that exploded into shards by her feet.

When she returned to the common room she was shaking like a leaf. She pushed past Fred and George who tried to rope her into a product demonstration and went straight up to the girls dormitory where she collapsed into her bed without removing her robes.

Thank Merlin that term break was coming up. Harriet didn't know how she would ever be able to face him in class again.

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