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When Hermione had noticed that Harriet was off, Harriet had been evasive. Ron being Ron noticed nothing at breakfast before they had gone their separate ways to pack.

Together Hermione, Harriet and Ginny were packing their trunks for their stay at Grimmauld Place. Ginny had turned on the Wizarding Wireless and they shared snacks and danced around together as they worked. Harriet found herself distracted from the memory of the night before that had played over and over in her head.

Before Malfoy had turned up, her lesson with Snape had been dangerously cosy. On the edge of something else entirely. Had he felt it too? But after the pensieve -

Ginny was in high spirits and Harriet was grateful for her presence. Ginny was proving to be a useful buffer to prevent Hermione from asking her unwelcome questions. Harriet still had no idea how she was going to tell Hermione that she had screwed up so badly that Snape didn't want to teach her any more.

Ginny's voice broke through her musings as she came over to grab a handful of Bertie Bott's every flavour beans from Harriet's bed.

"I heard your god-daddy is going to be there" Ginny said with a suggestive waggle of her eyebrows.

Harriet choked on the chocolate frog she had just popped into her mouth, before spluttering "my what?"

"Oh come on Harriet, even Hermione thinks he's hot."

Harriet turned to look at Hermione accusingly, who at that moment had started hurriedly digging around in her trunk with her back to Harriet.

"He's my god father. I don't look at him like that" Harriet replied.

Ginny rolled her eyes "oh come on, it's not like you're related."

Harriet shot an annoyed glance at Hermione. She could at least help her to get out of this conversation!

Well if she wouldn't help, then she could enjoy being uncomfortable for once.

"So Hermione, how's Viktor?"


When they stepped out of the hearth at Grimmauld Place, Sirius' chocolate eyes met hers. His easy smile was contagious.

Harriet let her trunk fall to the ground with a thump and raced into Sirius' outstretched arms. She had missed being able to talk to him and share things with possibly the least judgmental and most supportive person in her life. He always just got it.

He grabbed her in a bear hug, his broad form dwarfing hers. He swung her around so her feet left the floor.

Over his shoulder, Ginny gave her a huge wink mouthing "god daddy" before turning to ascend the stairs with Hermione and Ron.

"How's my favourite god daughter?"

They were alone at last. There was so much she wanted to talk to him about.

"It's so good to see you god daddy."

For a moment they both froze in the embrace.

Sweet Merlin's balls! Ginny's stupid word had just slipped out. She was going to murder Ginny!

Suddenly the hug felt different from the millions of other hugs she had shared with him. Harriet was suddenly aware of his chest brushing hers as he breathed, of how his dark stubble grazed her sensitive neck.

She was going to kill Ginny!

A chuckle rumbled through his chest "God daddy hmm? I suppose I could get used to the term. You probably shouldn't say it in front of Molly though. She might think that it is inappropriate of you to flirt with your god father."

"What about you, though? Don't you- erm" Harriet found her voice trailing off into nothingness.

His eyes scanned her face slowly before he answered. "You were always going to grow up some day. I can't pretend I was any better at your age." His handsome face stretched into a wide grin "nothing wrong with a bit of harmless flirting since you are of age."

Harriet's whole body felt hot with embarrassment and confusion.

He pressed a kiss to the spot where her cheek met the corner of her lips before drawing back from her. "Let's get this trunk up to your room."

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