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When Harriet entered the dungeon classroom Snape rose to his feet but did not move from his place behind the teacher's desk. It was as though he preferred for there to be a physical object between them. "You're late, Potter."

The sight of him warmed her. Harriet hadn't realised how much she had missed him up until that moment. "I'm sorry Professor, I was-"

The bite in his tone was scathing "I recall you saying that you would come when I told you to." Harriet grinned. He could act cold all he wanted, it was much too late for that now.

Harriet opened her mouth to reply, but Snape cut her off before she could.

His voice was cold as steel when he spoke. "So far you have shown no aptitude whatsoever for the art of occlumency. Your mind may as well be an open book, begging to be read."

"And you like reading don't you, Professor?" Harriet replied with a slow smile.

Harriet slipped off her robes so she now stood before him in an off the shoulder mini dress. She had wanted to remind him of the last time they had been alone together, and maybe to tempt him into a repeat performance.

His dark gaze traced lazily over her exposed shoulders and neck before he replied, "The genre might not be to everyone's taste."

"But is it to yours?" Harriet dared.

His face hardened as he met her gaze. All that perfect control...such a shame she'd have to break it. "Focus, Potter."

Well, he may not have ever lied to her directly, but he was definitely evasive.

He pointed his wand at her chest, leaving no room for further conversation.



Harriet was walking down a corridor when she felt herself being yanked backwards by the back of her robes.


Harriet sighed "what is it now Malfoy?"

"It would be embarrassing if a Hogwarts champion died during a tournament challenge" he sneered.

Harriet gritted her teeth in annoyance. "Thanks Malfoy. Is that all?"

His eyes darted left and right before he spoke quickly "Eat this right before the next challenge."

He had shoved a ball of slimy weeds into her palm. "Don't die, Potter."

Then he had turned and was walking away in the other direction.

The noise of the crowd was still deafening as Harriet hugged her friends beside the lake.
"Harriet you were amazing!" Hermione beamed.

"Bloody stupid if you ask me, trying to save everyone!" Ron guffawed.

Hermione smiled at her proudly "Harriet, using Gillyweed was an excellent solution. How on earth did you get hold of it?"

Harriet's cheeks heated, aware that she did not deserve the praise for this idea. Harriet glanced over to where he stood amidst a green-clad crowd "well I was lucky, I had help."

Hermione seemed annoyed that someone could have thought of a solution she hadn't, "who was it?"

"D-" He had seen her now and his blazing blue eyes met hers.  Ron and Hermione were now looking at her expectantly. Harriet wasn't sure why she felt as though she had to hide what had happened, but instinctively blurted the first name that came to mind - "Dobby."


Snape grimaced, before striding around his desk to help Harriet up from where she had fallen.

Harriet breathed in his now familiar smell as he slid a strong arm around her waist, pulling her upright.

To Harriet's surprise he did not let go.
He took her by the shoulders and looked into her eyes seriously "Harriet, listen to me. It is of the utmost importance that you master occlumency. The Dark Lord is now aware of the connection between your minds and it is only a matter of time before he tries to exploit it."

For several tense heartbeats he continued to stare into her eyes before he spoke again. "Sometimes I think that I made a grave error when I agreed to attempt to teach you occlumency. It would have been better for us both if-"

"If what?" Harriet whispered. They stood so close that there was no need for her to speak any louder.

To her surprise his gaze looked pained, but he didn't answer.

"If you hadn't fallen for me?" Harriet said aloud.

Harriet Potter 1Where stories live. Discover now