Chapter 1: best bud

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Shout all the members before ending their concert at the Seoul big stage. The boys keep waving at the fans before they disappear through the right curtain. The fans' cheers and screaming were never ended even though the idol already went to the back stage.


Mark Lee a.k.a leader loosing his tie while sitting on the makeup chair to let the noona cleanse his face. He also smiling to see Renjun and Haechan being silly through the mirror.

"What are doing? Clowning yourself? Said Renjun while giggling . He throw his towel straight to Haechan who is twerking .

Chenle was looking at them too shortly before staring at his phone . He was too tired to start communicate. He blink up for a second when he saw Jisung coming to him with bottles of water .


Lee Jeno look up to see the most beautiful smile gave by the man standing behind him. He was sitting besides Mark to clean his face too.


Na Jaemin keep smiling when Jeno replying to him. He sit on the makeup table when Jeno took his hand. Jeno rest his cheek on Jaemin's soft palm.

"Gosh I'm tired. I wanna quickly go back to the hotel."

"You two sure you're not a couple?"

Jeno and Jaemin quickly look at Mark who throwing a random words. Jaemin laugh because pulling his hand from Jeno's.

"How can I be in relay with Jeno if I love you hyung.."

Jaemin slowly came to Mark and snuggle him make both of them laugh except Jeno. Jeno was just smiling shortly before taking a sip of his water. He never like it when his babe snuggling with others but Jaemin didnt know that since they were just holding the title of 'BEST FRIENDS' not as couple.

The concert went well and they went back to the hotel after having supper. It was 12 oclock in the midnight. Jeno and Jaemin having the same room as the most natural things ever .

 Jeno and Jaemin having the same room as the most natural things ever

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(The outfit for the next scene)

"Hey why are you so quiet after the show?"

Jaemin glancing at Jeno when he saw the alpha came out from shower . Jeno drying his hair messily before sitting near Jaemin. He wore his black shirt shortly.

"Nothing. I was just being delusional."

Jaemin stare at Jeno for seconds before closing his phone. He took Jeno's towel and start to do the favor. Jeno just sitting quietly. Sometimes he yawns.

"I dont know how to live on if you ever get a girlfriend." Jeno mumble slowly.

"I'll never leave your side tho ."

Jeno look up to meet Jaemin's eye. He really love this one friend.

"Hug me then." Jeno reply shortly before the younger quickly lay his head on Jeno's chest.

"This is not a hu.."

"Just count them as hug." Jaemin laugh cutely before spreading his hand to hug Jeno. Jeno hug him back while smiling.

"I want a kiss. " .

Jaemin look up , surprise with the words but Jeno seem serious. He never kiss anyone before. Jeno gaze at him with hundreds meaning. Without further thinking, he quickly give Jeno a peck on his cheek .

Jeno pout . Jaemin raised his eyebrow. What now?

"Not there . Before staring at Jaemin's lip.

"Am.. I allow to do that ..?" Jaemin giggle slowly before he startled to meet Jeno's lip.

Jeno smack his lips straight to Jaemins'.

'Ah so soft.' he wondered.

Jeno released the kiss and stare at the blank Jaemin. He chuckled.

"Wh..whats that?" Jaemin cover his mouth shyly. His ears turns red.

Jeno laugh handsomely before taking Jaemin's hand. They were silence for minutes but soon they break laugh when one make funny face.


Both spontaneously look at the door . The bell rings too . Short after they heard the members voices.

"Jenjaem, lets do vlive!!"

They took their jacket before opening the door . They saw the members waiting for them. After a few walks, they reach the private hotel room.

"We should play mafia . " Haechan start the conversation. He glance at Jaemin's oily lips

"Do you eat fried chicken just now? Your lips so oily." Jaemin was surprised but quickly cover his emotions.

"I told it's lipbalm ! "

All the members start laughing when Jaemin glance at smiling Jeno. They sitting far away since they didnt got the chance to be together. Jeno keep looking at Jaemin during the vlive.

Lipbalm huh.. jeno smiling.

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