Chapter 5 : Make up

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"Jisung, give me the chopstick."

Jisung raised his head to match Chenle's eyes before giving the new chopstick to Chenle.

"Gosh, the meat were damn delicious !" Haechan scream before drinks some energy drinks

Mark keep nodding while eating his meat, rolling with some salads and dressing.
"Aigoo ! " Jaemin scream cutely after he saw Renjun's silly eat. He love to see his members silly stuff.

They met together to eat before starting their next album shooting tomorrow. As Mark says, to find the chemistry and no awkward face tomorrow.

Jeno glance at Jaemin who sit infront of him. It was
Jeno, Jisung, Haechan, Mark and infront of them was Jaemin, Renjun and Chenle.

 It was Jeno, Jisung, Haechan, Mark and infront of them was Jaemin, Renjun and Chenle

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(Nct dream in this scene)

"Eat this baby."

Jeno raised his eyebrow, staring at Mark who is smirking. Not only Jeno, but everyone including Jaemin.

"What the hell babyyyy!!"

"Damn Mark hyung really love Jeno"

The maknae started to get noisy when the hyung start showering his love. Jaemin put away his gaze and continue grilling his meat. He was a bit shock hearing Mark calling Jeno as baby but what to expect, it's Mark.

Mark just smiling while watching both his boys.


Jaemin came out from the toilet, sighing when he saw no Jeno on his bed, this is the first day they co-room after a week in Japan.

'Where did he go tho'. Jaemin mumbling before taking a seat on his bed.

The door clicked jumped Jaemin before he quickly act like he is busy.

Jeno came in slowly, staring at Jaemin who didnt look at him. He put down his bag and all of his stuff on his table before going into the bathroom. No words coming out from the older .

After 15 minutes, Jeno came out from the bathroom, glancing at Jaemin who is busy with his handphone while laying on his bed.


No answer. Jeno sighed before he took his bag.

"This is for you."

Jeno put a wrap beside Jaemin before taking a seat on his bed, waiting for Jaemin's answer. Jaemin frown a little before he wake up. He look at Jeno for a second before continue with his phone.

"I'm sorry."

Jeno taking the last chance to sit beside Jaemin. This time Jaemin didnt push him but just scrolling his phone. Jeno stare at Jaemin. Slowly he take one of Jaemin's left hand.

"Nana.. won't you look at me?"

Jaemin feels weak everytime Jeno calls him Nana. Slowly he put down his phone and look down, playing with his finger. Jeno immediately pull Jaemin's leg to face him.


Jaemin was a bit startled with Jeno sudden trial but he keep his cool.


Jaemin raised his eyes to met Jeno's. Jeno smile handsomely.

"I bought you new Macbook to pay back the one I break. Will you forgive me Nana..?"

Jeno explain while playing with both of Jaemin's hand. Jaemin cant keep his cool anymore before he burst into a small laugh.

"What.. so funny.." Jeno feel weird.

"I forgive you but I just waiting for you to say sorry, not buying me a whole new Mac " said Jaemin giggling.

Jeno bit his lips, the guy infront of him love to test his patience.

"I want to hug you. " Jeno asking for clarifies.

Jaemin smile cutely before he pull Jaemin right into his warm hug. Jeno quickly hug him tightly. How he miss this guy so much he cant sleep for days.

"I'll die if you leave me." Jeno clarifies before he kiss Jaemin's neck.

"Ya.. me too. But i wonder why did you kiss me ? Not on cheeks but on my lips and now neck? " Jaemin giggling trying to make it a joke.

Jeno staying silent on Jaemin's shoulder make the question remain unanswered. Jaemin is sad with Jeno's response but little did he know, both of them are males so that's given .

"We should do vlive since czennie saw us not talking to each other in Japan."

Jeno changed the topic before releasing the hug..

"O..Okay. I'm in." Jaemin replies with bitter smiles

" Jaemin replies with bitter smiles

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(The vlive)

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