Chapter 9: Panic Attack

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It's been a while when Jaemin even slept in Renjun Hwang's room and left him to sleep alone.

Even when it's their variety show, Jaemin just do it for jobs and nomin rank, they even went home separately.

And today is the SM concert where all SM idols came and having concerts.

"Where's Jeno?"

Jaemin ask spontaneously when he saw there's only 6 members in the nct dream room.

"He went to Aespa's"

Mark and Haechan answered together before they laugh at their sync. Jaemin pout before he sit on one of the dining bar.

(Nct dream outfit here)

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(Nct dream outfit here)

He look at the ramyeon and nuggets for a while before reaching for a hot coffee and also he took out his phone to watch their last time concerts to get off his anxiety.

"And then the high note goes.."

Chenle and Haechan weirdly look at Renjun who staring at something.


The members quickly stand up to see Renjun running to get Jaemin who shorts of breath.

Chenle get water.

Jisung and Haechan open the fans

Renjun and Mark loosing Jaemin's clothes, pulling of his jacket and leave the shirts and pants on since Jaemin didn't allow them to open them

But Jaemin's didn't get any better.

"Let's bring him to the sofa."

All of them agree before they pull the guy to the nearest sofa.

"Our show was exactly in 3 hours from now. If we go to the hospital, we'll make it ." Haechan spit out facts when he saw Jaemin still in hard to breath condition.

Mark nodding before he quickly lean to Jaemin to hear words from him.

"What is it, what is it?"


Jaemin talk slowly as he felt the sweats came from his back neck.

"You know we got our show too in 2 hours and you guys are flirting?"

Winter smug to see Karina cutely sitting with Jeno on the dinner bar and drinking soda together.

"I'm not flirting. I am here to get to know this girl better ."

Jeno answered got a laugh from the girl besides him.

"Jeno Lee . The guys searching for you."

Ningning came with Haechan and Mark.


"Jaemin's panic attack!"

Jeno quickly took his stuff and leave Karina, running to get his bestfriend while the Aespas' looking at each other, blurly.

"Nana !"

Jeno came to see Jaemin already hold his chest , not be able to come down from his anxiety.
The member quickly stand up to give Jeno space.

"Why didnt you guys loose his clothes?!" Jeno asking nervously.

"He didn't let us to open any more than his jacket."
Renjun answered honest.

Jeno stare at Jaemin for a while.

"Nana, I'll open your clothes so stay still."

Nana nodded before letting Jeno loosing his clothes until left the short pants.

"Nana breathe in, breathe out. "

Jeno lock his eyes with Jaemin for a while to get Jaemin's breathing rightly but nothing changed him.

Jeno stare at the younger before deciding something.

"Nana c'mere."

Jeno open up his hands, welcoming Jaemin into his hug. Jaemin slowly lean to Jeno and let the alpha hug him tightly.

"Oh he calmed down!"

Jisung declared after he saw Jaemin put down his hand that keep holding the chest just now.

"I should have hug him just now."

Renjun spoke slowly but the members quickly shake thier head

"I think maybe only Jeno know how calm him down since they were together for 13 years."

Haechan declare while the guys nodding, agreeing with the answers.

Jeno smiles to Haechan's answers while he still hugging his Nana tightly .


"Are you okay?"

Jeno release the hug when he saw Jaemin push him slowly.


Jaemin look around. Both of them were left together since the other members went for hunting dinner.

It's been 1 hour that Jeno didn't release the hug nor leaving him alone.

Jaemin glance at Jeno who start to feel numb on his shoulder.

"I wanna tell you something."

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