S2 Chapter 22 : Na Eunha

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Jaemin arrived at the dorm a bit late than what he has promised. He runs as fast as he can so he wont be as late. As he arrived, he take off his shoes properly .

'Huh? Girl's heels?'

Jaemin's eye stuck to the heels as he arrange his shoes. Whose heels is that? Manager Kim doesnt wear heels. Jaemin walk slowly to Jeno's room .

"I'm back." Jaemin approach Jeno while staring at one girl sitting infront of Jeno.

Jeno smiles at Jaemin while he keep talking to the girl.

"You never met her right? Guess what, you nickname were the same. Nana. Funny right?"

Jaemin look at Jeno, he look so happy while talking to the girl called Nana. The girl smile at him but he just glare.

"Who is this?" Jaemin said while taking off his backpack. He get to glance at the yellow blouse girl with her chest a little exposed .

"Jaemin ah you're here! Introduce this Na Eun Ha. She is about your age.She once SM trainees and she was always here when you were on hiatus. But sadly she didnt debut. She was an oldfriend."

(Na Eunha outfit in this scene)

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(Na Eunha outfit in this scene)

"Hey dont say I don't debut, say I was too good to debut."

Eunha said to Renjun as she stands up and bow to Jaemin . She also get to laugh at Renjun who came to put his stuff.

"It's okay. Sit down." Jaemin said before he sit beside Jeno.

"How's the shoot?" Jeno asked with his husky voice while leaning on the bed frame.

"Good. How's your fever?"

Jaemin wanna put his forehead on Jenos' but he was shocked when Jeno rejected him.

"Jeno's fever going down smoothly but he need to rest some more for his body to recover ."

Jaemin gaze at Eunha who smile cutely. She looks like a nice girl but he doesnt like the vibes. Why did she stay here and not the living room? And why is she the one who answer the questions for Jeno?

"That's the answer. Thanks nana. Oh Nana.. go change your shirt first. I smell my favourite burger on you."

Jeno chuckled before he smack Jaemin's butt softly when the guy stands up. Eunha also laugh when Jeno making 'jokes'. Jaemin just smile at Jeno and walk out from the room. He glanced at Eunha and Jeno enjoying talking with each other.

"Old friend my ass." Jaemin put his bag in the cupboard and his cap on the table.

"What's wrong hyung." Jisung who is laying on his bed with his phone on, started the conversation.

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