Chapter 2 : Unwanted Feelings

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"Attention guys!"

All the dreamies spontaneously look at Mr.manager that smiling broadly . He look at everyone but Jeno Lee.

(Jeno Lee outfit for this scene)

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(Jeno Lee outfit for this scene)

"I never know that you have a girlfriend!"


The members shouted loudly, in shock. Haechan and Mark look at each other since they never heard any news of Jeno getting a girlfriend. Jeno speechless while Jaemin started to frown. His heart was full of questions.

'Jeno never leaves any secret without me knowing them, what is this about girlfriend thing?' He talk to himself while looking at Jeno and the smiling Mr.manager.


"Damn, who is the lucky one?"

Renjun and Chenle freaking out for losing to Jeno . Mr.manager makes the sign to calm down while patting Jeno's shoulder.

"Please come in."

All the boys quickly going into chaos when they saw Karina from Aespa coming from the door. She wore white shirt covering with red love sign tights with blue pants. Jaemin's heart started to beat heavily. A pair with a beauty from Aespa? He can't even defeat Renjun's beauty, how can Karina?

"I'm sorry to disturb, I'm here to see Jeno for a while." Said Karina, shyly.

(Karina's outfit for this scene)

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(Karina's outfit for this scene)

Jaemin stare at Jeno . He didnt believe Jeno become shy too !

 He didnt believe Jeno become shy too !

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(Jaemin's outfit for this scene)

What the hell.

Jaemin smile bitterly when Jisung put his hand a
around him while laughing when he saw the guys being jealous.

"Lucky you !"

"So lucky!"

"Why Lee Jeno!!"

The members start shouting while hugging with each other when the manager give the green light for Jeno to meet Karina. Jeno glance at Jaemin for a second before he started questioning, judging from Jaemin's face.

"Okay guys, continue with the dance."

All the members mumbling while getting ready for their choreo. Jaemin was so sad he cant even focus.

"Damn it Jeno, you're lucky as hell!"

Jeno laugh before pushing Haechan and Mark that came hugging him. He quickly escape to Jaemin , who is busy drinking his water bottle at the corner of the room.

"Hey !"

Jaemin startled.


Jeno lean on the wall while staring at Jaemin who put away his gaze to his bottle .

"What's wrong? You're not like the usual"

Jaemin frown a little before looking at the handsome guy infront of him. He smile cutely .

"I'm good. I'm just tired. The practice was hell."

Jeno laugh. Glad nothing happened to Jaemin. A second he thought that his nana was jealous of him and Karina.

"We should go and eat beef after this." Jeno suggest.

"No. I wanna rest." Said Jaemin slowly before putting his bottle down and walk to the others. Jeno just following him from behind.

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