S2 Chapter 16 : Sungchan

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"I hate both of you!"

Jeno rub his right cheek, who turn little pinkish when he got slapped by Karina.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean all this."

Jeno try to explain so that Karina wont get upset. Karina clenched her teeth , glaring at Jeno .

"I dont have choice. I'll tell SM bout Jaemin being gay ."

Jeno frown, feeling mad with Karina's statement.

"Why are being so rude !"

Jeno hold his anger, He'll throw punches if she was a he. Karina glare at Jeno angrily.

"You played with my feelings, now I gotta pay you back fair and square or if you dont want these to spread, stay with me !".

Jeno grit his teeth, shocked with Karina's words . He dont have any other choices.

'Jaemin gonna get super mad.'

"What are the condition.."

Jeno gave up before agreeing with Karina. Karina smirks , congratulating herself for being too smart.

"First, you stay with me like old days, second, dont tell jaemin about this or the deals off, third, if you do everything I said, I'll consider bout the deal."

"What the fu..."

"You dont love me at all Jeno??"

Jeno remain silence. He look at Karina , pitying her but he can't say anything since he just went out with her because he don't want to accept his feelings for Jaemin.

"I'm sorry."

Jeno look down, behaving himself.

"You know what. Let's end this. I gonna let you go but make sure you will vanish from my life. I dont care anything happen to you anymore."

Karina said bluntly. At first she fell for Jaemin, so she decided to go near Jeno since they both best friends but nowadays she keep attracting to Jeno.

'Maybe that's why people call you hot daddy.'

Karina smirk , accepting Jeno's charisma who can attract girls easily.

"Thankyou so much."

Jeno smile, replying to the smirk before he hug her as last gift before he vanish through the door.

"What a petty life. Too greedy to get both and now you lost both."

Karina mumbles before she lay down on the studio floor.



"Oh Jeno. What is it ?"

Jeno smiles when his puffy baby popped out in the phone screen.

Jeno smiles when his puffy baby popped out in the phone screen

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