Chapter 11 : Mistaken

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"are.. you.. joking..?"

Jeno was too shocked to hear Jaemin's confession . He never thought about his best friend that way or maybe he was too confused about his own feelings.

Jaemin smirks before looking down to the road.

"You know I am straight..right?

"Yes I know very well about you !"

"Then why!?"

Jaemin quickly look at Jeno when the Alpha yelled at him. He can't choose the right words to confess more than that. The only functioning right now is his tears that keep falling through his cheeks.

"I .. don't know.."

Jeno sighed. He can't see Jaemin's crying but he can't easily accept other's love confession. He stare at Jaemin's hand, the one he keep holding tight.


No answers.

"We discuss this in the room okay?"

Jeno take the chance to look at Jaemin who trying to keep his cool. Slowly he pull Jaemin's hand.

"No. I want to be alone."

Jeno hold his fist when jaemin snapped his hand and run away.


"What the hell! They should be together or this movies won't make it ! "

Haechan stomped his butt on the sofa , protesting the movie's plot.

"Why should the main character end up with a ghost? You silly ."

"Actually, it will be so interesting if they end up together."

Chenle replying Mark's words , agreeing with Haechan. They even get to high five.

"You call me here to watch some horror movies or what? I just saw comedies here." Renjun yawned .

Renjun sat besides Haechan and Jaemin who is busy with his phone. He didnt even glance at the movie. Jeno was not in the dorm while the other members laying down on the carpet,

"Do you perhaps know where Jeno is?"

Renjun ask Jaemin before he stands up. His question only get the younger shake his head.


All the members quick reflects to look at the door when the door open from outside.

It is Jeno.

"There's Karina in the living room, please do me favors guys

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"There's Karina in the living room, please do me favors guys."

Jeno said, locking his eyes to Jaemin who is not looking at him at all.

"Lucky brat, even bringing her to the dorm?! "

"I didnt hear anything."

The guys multiple replies makes Jeno laugh before he went away. Jaemin frowned before he stands up.

"Where are you going?"

Jisung asked as he saw Jaemin open the door. Jaemin just make a sign of water before he went out.

"Favor my ass."

Jaemin throw his body to the bed before he close his eyes. He doesnt know how many time he cried after Jeno rejected him.

Jaemin sighed heavily, trying to let out all of his burden. The silence make him feels peace.

"So handsome ."

Jaemin's eyes opened wide

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Jaemin's eyes opened wide. He snuck to see Karina with pink blouse at the door . He really hopes that he misheard that girl just now.


Jaemin quickly stood up when Karina starts walking to him.

"It was so mess that I had to go out with Jeno just to find out more about you. Why do you have to be so introvert..?

Karina sexily sit on Jaemin's bed , staring at Jaemin who already put up both of his hands, staying away from Karina.

"Hey, did you just said that you're just playing with Jeno's heart?"

"Yep. All I see was you."

Jaemin got startled when Karina sexily pull him to his bed until she was laying on the pillow.

"Wait. Stop. I don't.."

"What the hell is happening here?"

Jaemin and Karina quickly look at the door to find Jeno, holding a glass of juice. He was crazy mad.

"Help me! Jaemin try to hit on me!"

"No no! Just now she pulled me and"

Jaemin fall straight to the corner of the room when Jeno angrily punch him right before his mouth, made his lips bled and his cheeks turn blue.

"What's wrong with you!"

Jisung and Chenle who came out from the room rushed to help Jaemin before Renjun yelled at Jeno.

"Stop baby stop!"

Karina acting cute to stop Jeno from beating Jaemin again.

"You told me that you're not straight and you fucking hit on me! And now you're going to say you're straight and you want to rape my girl!?"

Jeno screams at Jaemin. They both stared at each other.

"You really.. tell my secret to all of these people here..?"

Jaemin speechless..

"Secret my ass! I don't wanna see you infront of my face anymore

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"Secret my ass! I don't wanna see you infront of my face anymore. Get out!"

Jeno said before he hug Karina. Jaemin
hold his fist, trying to keep his calm, he glare at Karina for a moment before his glare change to Jeno.

His heart broke to pieces.

"Why the hell are you babbling rubbi.."

"It's okay Chenle. I'll go away."

Jaemin pat Chenle to stop him from scolding Jeno. He stands up slowly, abandoning his tears that keep sliding through his cheecks, walking out from the room.

Karina glance at the younger before looking at Jeno who starts to look down. Chenle and Jisung decides to follow Jaemin.

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