S2 Chapter 14 : Love

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"What was that.."

Jaemin scan Jeno's face , trying to get the answers. Jeno beamed with satisfaction.

"Maybe it was the sign of I love you?"

Jeno burst out laughing after he saw the younger's blur face.

"I'm sorry for hitting you Nana. I realized that I lost so much after you leave me. "

Jeno hold both of Jaemin's hand gracefully before he smooch them.

"Wait .. what ..?"

Jaemin blurred again makes Jeno smile handsomely.


Jaemin nod.

"I'm sorry..?"

Jeno added. Jaemin just nodded.

"I donno whose at fault but I believe after you left me, I got lost in life. I need you, Na Jaemin .

Jeno uttered facts made Jaemin speechless .

"But.. you're straight.. and Karina?"

Jaemin asked.

"I'll try and deal with her later, I can't lose you again ."

Jeno look at the younger with a deep smile, before pulling him into his hug. ..

"Oh I miss you so much!"

Jaemin laughed cutely when Jeno start hugging him as tight as he can.

"Stop it, Jeno yaaa. It's ticklish.."

Jeno gave Jaemin a nice kiss on his forehead before he released the hug. They both smile at each other before started laughing again.


"So your parents run away again?"

Jeno sit on the chair and grab a cup of tea while Jaemin took out some cake from the fridge.

"Yup. As usual."

When will they come back?"

Jaemin just lift up his shoulder and sit infront of Jeno.

"Nah not there. Sit besides me."

Jaemin pout before he pull his chair straight to Jeno. He look surprised a little when Jeno suddenly touch his bruises.

"We need to disinfect these or you can't be on tv."

Jeno stand up calmly and steadily walks to the cabinet beside the toilet . He took out the medkit and hurriedly run to meet Jaemin.

"You really know my house too well"

Jaemin chuckled.

"This is Lee Jeno. What do you expect?"

They both laughed at Jeno's daddys joke.

"You'll come back to the dorm with me today okay? I'll help you pack your clothes."

Jaemin nodded before he let Jeno put some antibiotics on his face . Sometimes he was hurting so Jeno does it slowly.

"Wait a sec, I got mails."


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