Chapter 10: Confession

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"What is it?"


The alpha gaze at the beautiful young man who pestering all of his words.

"I li.."

"Okay I'll go and call them !"

Both males startled hearing Chenle's loud voice coming from door.

"What is it that you want to tell me?"

Jeno continue to look at Jaemin after he took the water from Chenle who already coming into the room. Jaemin hold his fist tightly.

"It's okay. Just forget it. Let's go."

Jaemin smile bitterly. Jeno reply his smile with a pat on his head.


"Jeno Lee, Huang Renjun. The editor ask both of you to create moments since the Noren Ship are going smooth nowadays."

Jeno and Renjun look at each other .

"I can do it if I was with Nana, but with hyung??"

Jeno smack his forehead before searching Nana with his eyes. Jeno quickly run his gaze when he lock eyes with Jaemin.

"It's the editor's words. No arguing."

Renjun laugh before running to the back of Jeno.

"Time for piggyback !"

Jeno sighed but continue to smile when he saw camera filming them. His eyes get to catch Nana's glare.


Weeks by weeks, the Noren keep sticking to each other, they even filming to share the bed together as special soulmates.

Jaemin watch everytime Jeno and Renjun flirting.

He feel uneasy.

Jeno is Jaemins'


"That's all for today!"

Jeno walks to Renjun before he hold his hand just because the camera still rolls.

Jaemin who is staring at the mirror saw the reflection, he clenched his teeth.

"Cut me some slack will ya?"

All the members look straight to Jaemin who shout angrily including Noren.

Jaemin stare at Jeno through the mirror.

"What's wrong Jaemin..?"

Jaemin quickly rub off his hair before sighing heavily. He took his bag and went out from the dance studio.

"What did we do?" Mark blurred.

"Let me handle this."

Jeno release Renjun hand, took his bag and rushing to catch up with Jaemin.


Jaemin scroll the rank on his phone.

#noren 200million
#nomin 189million

The noren rank beat nomin. He feel so mad .

"Nana !"

Jaemin look up to see Jeno infront of him, panting hard because he search Jaemin everywhere just to find him in their room.


Jaemin continue to look at his phone.

"What's wr

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"What's wr.."

Jeno and Jaemin look out the window as they heard the rain started pouring.

"What's wrong with me? I'm good."

Jaemin ask and answer bluntly. Jeno clenched his teeth while Jaemin keep scrolling his ig's feed.


Jaemin stuck at one news wrote by one of the famous writer of SM town.

'Popular Idols seen hugging each other on the street'

"Why are making a scene at the studio? You have problem you dont wanna share?"

Jeno mumbles before he took of his cap while staring at the rain.

"You.. didn't you said that you wanna go to gym last Friday?"

Jaemin close his phone, glaring at Jeno. Jeno nod.

"They why the fuck were you on the street , hugging Karina!"

Jaemin shout while showing Jeno the news on his phone. Jeno shocked with Jaemin's anger.

"Nana, what's the big deal?" Jeno hold both of the younger's plump cheek.

Jaemin hold his first for a second before he push Jeno away. He took his phone and quickly run out of the room

"Jaeminie !"

Jeno brush his hair hard before decide to catch up with Jaemin who rushing his way into the rain.

Jaemin rub off his tears which is transparent in the rain. It's really hurt to keep his feelings. At first, he just reject his feelings as he believes it all happened because of nomin tag

But seeing Jeno with other girls, or even clingy with the their members as well makes Jaemin's mad , he knows well this is love.

"Nana ! Oi Nana !"

Jaemin turn back his head to find Jeno running to him, as wet as him

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Jaemin turn back his head to find Jeno running to him, as wet as him.

"Dont run in the rain, you'll catch a cold !"

Jeno quickly open his jacket to cover Jaemin's wet blu-ish hair. He only wear a piece of white shirt with black semi shorts.

They both look at each other.

"Why do you care..!"

Jaemin shout at Jeno, who only wear a black shirt now. Jeno pushed his hair to the back ,not understanding Jaemin's question.

"Why? Because you're my Nana! "

Jeno replied.

"I am not yours! Leave me alone for god sake!"

Jeno quick reflect to catch Jaemin's hand before he wanted to run away, makes Jaemin freeze in the rain.

"Can you just tell me why you're like this. I thought we're best friends..."

Jaemin hold tightly Jeno's hand before he look straight to the alpha's green eye.

"You know what, I hate saying this since I know it's not getting anywhere but since you push me , I gonna fucking say, I love you, Lee Jeno !"

The confession leads to silence with only rain can be heard.

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