Chapter 7 : Secret Feelings

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"Yes. You're gross. " Jaemin answered bluntly.

Jeno smirk , not believing with what Jaemin has blurted out.

"Alright then. "

Jeno nodded before he left Jaemin . Jaemin sit on the chair, slapping his mouth for saying shit.


"Chenle ya.."

The chinese guy look up to find Renjun infront of him with a water bottle.

"I can't find any ramyeon. Did you hide it..?"

"Oh Jisung ate the last ramyeon. Why?"

Renjun passed out on the carpet after he heard Chenle's reply . He was so hungry that he has no energy to go and buy another ramyeon.

"Are you dead or something?"

Jeno laugh a little before walking thru dead Renjun , straight to get cold water from the Cuckoo.

"Chenle... I dont care ! You must go and buy me new one ! "

Renjun wake up angrily. He pout until his cheek turned puffy. Chenle glance at his watch before sighing.

"No way , I had a long day I wanna rest...."

Jeno just watch the 'chinese line' arguing each other while giggling. He doesn't even understand any of the conversation.

"What's happening over here??"

Haechan came across when he heard loud noise from the kitchen.

"Oh sorry, I thought it's the carpet."

Renjun glare at Haechan who step on him on purpose while Haechan just giggle and quickly run away to hug Jeno. Jaemin also come out from his room to find out the noise.

"Renjun is hungry but the ramyeon was out so they are arguing." Jeno explained to Haechan while his eyes accidentally met Jaemins'.

Haechan nodded before he look at the clock from his phone .

"Renjun ah ! Dont worry. For the sake of my love, I'll go buy ramyeon for you. Actually I wanna go out to buy some stuff too, right Jeno?"

"Ah Haechan , saranghae but I'm not going with you. I got zero energy.."

Haechan gaze at Jeno cutely makes Jeno frown.


"Accompany me honey.."

Haechan quick to hold Jeno's arm makes Jaemin startled , he stare at Jeno until their eyes met. Jaemin quickly shake his head, protesting the idea.

"Haechan.. I am tired t"


Jaemin sigh watching Haechan drag Jeno to go with him to the convenient store.

"I'm coming too ."

Jeno and Haechan turned to look at Jaemin who walk as fast as he can to reach Jeno and his hoodie before running to the males.

"Oh okay. You can come too.. but the introvert Jaemin..?"

"Shut up. "

Jeno glance at Jaemin who walk faster than both of them.

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